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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sleepy Sunday 3-16-14

The dogs seem to understand the concept of sleepy Sunday. And they fully participate. They sleep in, lounge around the house and lazily chew on bones all day.

Piper spends Saturday nights doing many important princess feline activities so she gets all her beauty rest on Sundays.

Little O is the rebel of the furball group.This morning he decided he was not going to let everybody sleep in. At 6:30 AM he began meowing incessantly outside my bedroom door. Chris was still working and there was no ignoring that sound, so mommy was up. 

Of course after he gobbled up his food like he hadn't been fed in days, he promptly took a nice cat nap. 

I took a little time to myself and then got the dogs up and fed and did some super fun spring cleaning while they, of course, lounged. But then I interrupted their lounging for bath time. This is not usually one of their favorite things to do, but I was pretty impressed today. Ares went first and Chaos sat patiently outside the tub, like it was moral support or something. For once, Ares did not try to escape even one time. He even lifted his legs for me to spray off the shampoo! When it was Chaos's turn I asked him to jump in the tub. Normally Chaos runs to his crate when he realizes it's time for him to get in the tub and I have to physically pick him up and carry him. I was just being silly when I asked him to jump in today but to my surprise, he did! I was so excited I was clapping and jumping around tell him he's such good boy. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the jar of treats sitting on the back of the toilet, but proud mama right here none the less. 

After baths it was time for more lounging while I tried out a recipe. One of Chris's great loves in life is buffalo chicken. I've perfected my very own buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese recipe but I like to try other ways to do buffalo chicken just to keep it interesting. Today I made a buffalo chicken pizza roll. Like most of my home made creations, it turned out a little messy, but Chris loved it so I'm calling it a success. I did try it but it was a little too hot for me. 

So naturally I had to cool down with a new Bud Light Raz-ber-rita. I have to work tomorrow so I mixed mine with Sprite Zero. And I have to say, definitely one of my better drink choices. Piper agrees.

How are you spending your Sunday?


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