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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Wedding Diaries: Bridal Shower Part 1 & The Case of the Missing Ring

This weekend was nothing short of crazy busy and exciting but with a side of big time stress. Saturday morning it was workout time and then off to run errands. We picked up our wedding bands (woo hoo!), then dropped some things off at my parents' house before heading off to the park for our first Spring day walk. 

 We watched the Wildcats beat the Bearcats to advance to the Sweet Sixteen round of the NCAA tournament and then scrambled to clean up our place before we met with our realtor about selling it. 

Sunday morning I went to the grocery and came home to unload and then get ready for my first wedding shower! But this is where it gets interesting. I took my rings off to wash my hands and heard my phone buzzing in the kitchen. I scooped up my rings and walked over to the kitchen counter to grab my phone. My soon to be sister-in-law had arrived to go set up for the shower down at the clubhouse and needed the keys to get in. I ran them up to her and talked for a minute or so and then came back inside. Immediately I went to the counter to put my rings back on but out of the 3 I always wear, only one was still where I left it. After a quick scan of the kitchen I spotted another one on the floor but my engagement ring was nowhere in sight. Before I panicked I did a pretty thorough search of the floor, the sink and underneath furniture and appliances on my hands and knees. I already knew it had to be Little O my mischievous one that was the culprit behind the missing ring. But I couldn't figure out how he got it somewhere out of sight so fast. 

After searching a few more places I then did the sensible thing and called Chris (who had run up to Home Depot) in full panic mode. Of course it had to be the day of my wedding shower that I would lose my engagement ring. He told me to calm down and he walked in the door minutes later, got a flashlight and checked everything again. We finally came to the realization that it could very well have been gobbled up by a certain little Pittie if he heard something drop on the floor and assumed it was food. If there was a chance he had eaten my ring we figured we should try to get it out of him. I wrote here about making your dog throw up so we tried that but it failed. Twice. I finally had no choice but to get ready and head up to my shower, ringless. 
 About 20 minutes later I saw Chris come up to the door of the clubhouse and when he walked in he had my ring, unscathed, in his hand. He said Chaos ended up puking his brains out alright but he found the ring stuck up underneath the dryer. I felt so bad that we had blamed it on our poor puppy and made him vomit but he forgave us and was thrilled to eat all kinds of yummy things he doesn't normally get. 

My shower with my new family and friends went great and I was so relieved to have a dog without a ring in his tummy and instead back on my finger. I am so grateful for everyone who came to celebrate with me and generously brought awesome gifts!

I guess I can at least say it's never boring around here. Have a fantastic week!

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