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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Window Shopping & Walking Weather

It's been crazy around here as usual but as the wedding date approaches it just adds to the excitement. We had our final consultation with our photographer this week and we are so glad we are able to go with our original choice of location for pictures. It does mean we have to get things started a little earlier on the big day, but thankfully our hair and make-up vendors have been more than accommodating and my family and friends are on board. Flexible people make everything so much easier and I am so lucky to be surrounded by them!

I'll be honest that I've been a little stressed with everything going on, but in my opinion it hasn't taken away from the whole experience at all. Fun and exciting things are happening but that doesn't mean every day is great. That's okay though because the happiness far outweighs the stress. Everyone has their way of dealing with that and for me, one thing I like to do is online browse. Oh, you hadn't already figured that one out? While my laptop is STILL down, here are some of my newest favorites from my lunch time "window" shopping. 

My stripe obsession may be slightly out of control but you like what you like, right? There is currently a large gaping hole in my wardrobe that only a pair of striped leggings can fill. Good thing these pairs from J. Crew & Madewell are on sale right now. Really, I don't joke about leggings. Or stripes. Which is why I also was drawn to the Monday Dress maxi skirt and Piace Boutique crochet sleeved dress in fun Spring & Summer colors. There is always something begging to be ordered with my new monogram on it from Marley Lilly and the leather cuff bracelet might be top on my list. It comes in a lot of cool colors but I love that the neutrals would go with anything. The Mint Julep Boutique maxi dress would go so well with the cute new Tommy Hilfiger sandals I basically stole from TJ Maxx last week and could be worn all the way into fall. I recently got rid of nearly all my old bathing suits and I love mixing a bold colorful print top with a solid bottom, so this Victoria's Secret mix would be a perfect combo. I am loving the Hello Apparel t-shirt I recently purchased on sale so much that I want another one. Does anyone ever REALLY want to grow up? I've heard so many good things about the Philosophy Purity face wash but have never tried it. I've used Cetaphil forever but I think I might have to give this a shot and hopefully get that blushing bride glow for my wedding!

The weather has been better this week for walks and Ares and Chaos LOVE when the weather hovers in the 60s. I usually prefer it to be a little warmer, but for walks I'm totally with the dogs. It's nice to wear less clothes but also not sweat to death. I got to rock my fun new Target shades and TJ Maxx tank, and if you ask me, showing off anything new is always fun. 

I'm gearing up for my bachelorette party tomorrow in Nashville so stayed tuned to see what I'm packing!


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