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Monday, June 15, 2015

The Wedding Diaries: The Honeymoon Part 1: Travel Troubles

So you’ve heard about the engagement, the wedding planning, the rehearsal and the big day. Now it’s time I post about the grand finale, aka the honeymoon. I went to Waikiki Beach on the Hawaiian island of Oahu about 6 years ago with my family. I’ve been fortunate to go on some very nice beach vacations over the years but I was determined to get back to that slice of paradise as soon as I could. When Chris and I started talking honeymoon plans it was my first suggestion and luckily he was on board. Who wouldn’t be?!

I’ve been taking vacations and often flying since I was very young with my family. We really never had any travel issues to speak of. And then I met Chris. The first time we took a trip together was to Key West, FL. We flew from Cincinnati to Miami only to find out our flight over to Key West was cancelled. It’s a 5 hour drive from Miami across the Florida keys so figuring out where to rent a car and then making it to our final destination was less than ideal. But we made it.

 Our next trip was international. We flew from Cincinnati to Philadelphia and then we were supposed to catch our connection to Punta Cana, DR. However it was Thanksgiving week and the flight was overbooked so Chris was booted off the flight at random. Of course I wasn’t going to fly overseas without him so neither of us got on the plane. We good cop/bad copped it and I threw in bit of a tantrum but we finally got booked on a flight to Miami a few hours later that then hopped on a connection to Punta Cana from there. But we made it.

Fast forward to May 25, 2015. Chris and I were supposed to leave on a 6:15AM flight to Dallas, TX. Apparently we didn’t arrive early enough before boarding and were not allowed to make the flight. I could not believe it was happening again. But we were flying on Memorial Day, not a holiday with high air travel, so we were able to get booked on the second flight out to Dallas later that morning. Everything went as planned and we arrived in Dallas on schedule then boarded the jet for Honolulu and got ready for take-off. Suddenly the plane slowed to a stop and the engines turned off. The pilot then informed us air traffic control was grounding all west bound flights due to a storm rolling through. All we could do was wait it out, stuck on the plane, sitting on the runway for 2 hours. Now, Hawaii is 6 hours behind our time zone so we did get several hours back upon arrival, but it was still about 8 at night when we finally got our bags and caught a cab to the hotel. Check-in was a breeze and seeing our awesome room gave us a big second wind. My first honeymoon drink was a loaded Mai Tai and let me tell you what, as we sat down at the open air pool bar with live music and I sipped that cocktail, the awful day of travel was totally worth it. Because we made it.

Part 2 is coming, don’t worry! Have a great week friends!

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