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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

32 Weeks

When people ask me how I'm feeling, my response is usually "pretty good". And it's true. So far I haven't really felt the third trimester slowdown I keep reading and hearing about. I've pretty much been doing the same things I always do with a few added symptoms thrown in that remind me I'm carrying a baby.
This past weekend I hosted a bachelorette party for my BFF, who is also pregnant and due about 3.5 months after me. Yea, it's super fun to be pregnant at the same time as your best friend. She and her fiancé found out the sex of the baby (it's a BOY!) the morning of the party and she told me immediately so I could get together a mini reveal to surprise the girls that night. I had so much fun planning the party the past several weeks, making lists, creating the food menu and décor and then seeing it all come together. But it all finally caught up with me.
Friday afternoon we had a repeat ultrasound and got to see our little munchkin. We were there to check on my fibroid as well as the echogenic bowel that had been seen on baby P at the anatomy scan. The fibroid hadn't grown at all and isn't hindering the baby in any way. Brain, heart and lungs were all perfection and working away. Head and belly were measuring right on schedule. And legs for DAAAYYYYS. I was 32 weeks, 1 day at the appointment and the legs measured 33 weeks, 3 days! Baby P is head down and running out of room so those legs are bent and he/she is pushing those cute little feet right up into my ribs. The echogenic bowel was still present, but less so than at 20 weeks and no one seems very concerned so we aren't either. It was so fun seeing that little face all smushed up against me even though we kept it old school and stuck with 2D.
After the ultrasound we went to check out some gliders for the nursery. It was important for me to do a sit test on several different styles because hello, that's the purpose of it and I wanted to make sure it's comfy. I then braved the huge grocery store I typically avoid with my shopping list for the party and managed to get almost everything I needed. It was a nice evening so Chris and I sat outside for a bit and then I did some food prep and called it a night. Saturday was go, go, go from waking up to crashing into bed. My parents were at the house while my dad finished a project upstairs so my mom helped me out with getting the rest of the food ready and arranging things. Thanks mom! My husband is also awesome and did most of the cleaning while I ran out for a few extra things. The party turned out great and we all had so much fun celebrating our bride and her baby boy on the way. But, after some clean up and getting ready for bed, I finally felt very much 8 months pregnant.
Symptoms: The rib pain is kind of terrible but now that I've seen it's those tiny feet pushing up from inside, it makes me smile anyway. They say heartburn means your kid will be born with hair. The latest ultrasound confirmed that baby P indeed already has more hair than either Chris or I were born with so I guess that one might be true. I've definitely noticed my workouts getting harder and make sure I take extra breaks and drink plenty of fluids. And I absolutely stop doing anything that doesn't feel right. Now is not the time to push myself, it's about staying healthy for baby and me. Oh and my belly's still out on top, in on bottom. I'm wondering if it's just going to stay like this or if the whole ting will actually pop.

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