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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

10 Ways We Use Essential Oils

Let me start by saying I used to be the person thinking oils are a total scam. I would not even entertain the idea of learning about them for quite a long time. And then I had a baby. A perfect, willful, impatient, wild, nap boycotting baby. I was desperate and during an exhausted late night research quest I caved and bought a starter kit. Here we are 6 months later and I kind of want to slap my formerly skeptic self. 

But this post isn't about making a believer out of anyone or explaining how and why essential oils work. I have a lot to learn, and that's half the fun of incorporating oils into your life, but I have gained so much knowledge since I've started using them. I know jumping in can be overwhelming and we are all busy people. So whether you already use and love oils, just want to see what all the hype is about or take the full plunge, here are 10 ways we love using oils in our home. 

1. Diffusing - I LOVE my home to smell good. I am always amazed at what a scent can do for my mood or the memories it can conjure up. So instead of burning candles that can unfortunately emit toxic chemicals, we have fun trying new oil blends. A favorite is grapefruit + peppermint + lemon.

2. Room Spray - The ones you buy at the store aren't always the safest choice, and with 6 animals + a baby, I'd rather not chance it. We love lavender + gardenia for that moment the sheets are fresh and the bed is made and purification + orange for the bathroom.

3. Carpet Refresher - We actually call these carpet sprinkles and use them before vacuuming as well as to keep our litter boxes from stinking up the house. All you need is baking soda and your favorite oil or blend. Mix, sprinkle and let sit for 5-10 minutes, vacuum and enjoy the most refreshed smelling carpets. Lately I've been using 10 drops each of lime, orange or tangerine and stress away to make my floor smell like a tropical garden.

4. Facial Moisturizer - I have normal to dry sensitive skin and so many moisturizers do not work for me. I found one I loved and then my skin changed it's mind when I got pregnant. I did find another one but it's pricey and I was running low so I decided to try oils instead. It sounds crazy considering moisturizers typically tout their oil free ingredients. But essential oils actually have amazing skin benefits and don't leave your face feeling greasy. Jojoba oil is a close match to human sebum and oils like lavender, geranium, frankensince, lemon and tea tree can be so great for your complexion and healthy skin. 

5. Flavored Water - I love my coffee but I try to drink lots of water throughout the day. I always have a cup or a tumbler with me and while I don't have any problem with plain water, it's nice to throw in a little flavor sometimes. A drop of orange, lime, lemon or grapefruit gives my drink a nice little taste boost. 

6. Cleaning - I swear I am always cleaning. Or maybe it's that I'm always trying to clean. But a baby, dogs, cats or a husband seem to follow behind me making messes. That's just life as we know it though. I've been loving Thieves cleaner for pretty much all the spaces I clean regularly. I add a bit of lemon to take up the scent a notch and it also helps removes stains!

7. Allergies - Oh my goodness the allergies in the Ohio Valley are terrible from St. Patty's Day through Labor Day and sometimes well before and after in a bad year. I typically get hit pretty hard in early Spring so this year it's been wonderful to have oils come to the rescue. peppermint + lemon + lavender not only smells awesome but it really does help relieve those pesky symptoms. 

8. Keep Calm - As a busy SAHM I far too often find myself stressed to the max and overwhelmed. I love staying home with Fallon but oh man some days are just so HARD. I have a rollerball I keep filled with coconut oil, peace & calming and lavender. It takes the edge off and helps me remember to take a deep breath and also is great to roll on Fallon when she's having a moment. Or three. Stress away is also great to apply neat to wrists for calming feelings. 

9. Laundry - I had no idea how not so great dryer sheets are. And we used to go through them very quickly. I bought a set of wooly balls instead to scent with a few drops of oils and toss in the dryer. They are the perfect safe alternative, help your clothes dry faster and smell AMAZING. My current favorite is lemongrass + lavender for a clean, fresh meadow scent. 

10. Sleepy Vibes - This is the reason I started using oils in the first place. We now use them every evening to get nice and relaxed for a good night sleep. It depends on the day but we do a mix of cedarwood + lavender in the diffuser and/or sprayed on the sheets, pillows and pjs. Lavender on Fallon's lovey and peace & calming, gentle baby or lavender + cedarwood on the bottoms of feet or behind the ears are so soothing! 

What are you favorite ways to use oils?

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