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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Bumpdate: 35 Weeks

Less than 5 weeks until my due date and at this point I'm not sure anyone is confident I'll make it that far. Fallon was born just one day before her due date BUT she tried to come just as I hit 38 weeks. I'm fine meeting this little one by the end of this month, as long as we make it as least another 2 weeks. My belly did drop with Fallon at the end but looking back at my very last bump pictures she was still up high compared to my belly this time. I literally woke up about a week ago and immediately felt the shift. It's been so nice to be able to breathe without struggling through a conversation sitting down. I mean I still get winded with physical activity but wow what a difference in my comfort level, especially falling asleep. Now of course I traded squished lungs for more pressure on my lower body and a bowling ball on my bladder but honestly I'll take it. Making 1200 bathroom trips is still better to me than constant breathlessness. And I am so, so thankful we are all but past cold/flu season and our family has managed to avoid sickness. 

I've reached the point when everything just feel hard. Getting out of bed, putting on my shoes, bending down to pick up alllll the toys. Heartburn is back, exhaustion is almost unimaginable and my body just kind of hurts everywhere. Baby is still moving tons and I do love watching the movements even though it looks like and alien is about to come roaring through my stomach. But my belly button looks even wierder. I typically have a super innie and it definitely went flat with Fallon but this time I've totally popped an outtie. I wonder if it will go fully back in again like last time. I also have no linea nigra in sight, or stretch marks. I don't say this like it's something to brag about, just for documentation purposes. My mom didn't get any stretch marks and as much as applying certain things to your belly may minimize effects, I think it's majorly determined by genetics and luck of the draw. I do however have this weird skin discoloration in a spot only visible when I am in a bikini. I'm told it should fade and possibly disappear after birth but if that's what I'n left with then so be it. 

The nursery is all but finished and my sister is throwing me a sweet little sprinkle next weekend to celebrate so it's really starting to feel like the end. I will be washing blankets and sleepers in the next couple weeks, getting my pump and bottle parts all back out the baby gear we stored away after Fallon was too big. As uncomfortable and done with being pregnant as I am, there's so much more excitement to meet our new baby and definitely some nervousness about suddenly being outnumbered. I know it will be hard and exhausting and amazing all at the same time and there will be a steep learning curve followed by us fining our new rhythm. So my next update very well may be my last!

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