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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all

It’s officially the first full day of Fall! Here in NKY we have the 4 seasons pretty distinctly. Fall means football season, beautiful changing leaves, cool crisp air, bonfires, sweaters and pumpkin and apple scented and flavored everything. It happens to not be only be favorite season but all the other members of my household tend to second that.
Chris loves football. He’s a diehard Michigan fan and loves watching the Bengals, regardless how good his teams happen to be. He likes being outside without sweating or freezing and hanging with friends by the fire. He doesn’t care much about the rest of it but he certainly won’t turn down a homemade breakfast of apple cinnamon pancakes.
Piper will always be an inside cat but she still enjoys it when fall rolls around. The AC goes off and the windows and back door open. There isn’t much she loves more than lounging on the windowsill or near the open back door with the sun on her face and the breeze through her fur.

Ares and Chaos get a little pep in their step when they feel the air change. No more panting through the whole walk and taking water/shade breaks because it’s hot. The air is cool but not too cold for their short coats and they both love cinnamon and pumpkin flavored treats.
Chaos, for some unknown reason, has a great love of fallen leaves. He jumps on them, rolls in them and chomps them up like the hungry, hungry hippos game.

Ares likes to break out his stylish fall hoodie and impress everyone as he struts through the park. He also enjoys meeting the wooly caterpillars that come across our path.

Little O actually agrees with Piper that open windows and doors are awesome. However instead of just lounging, he loves to watch everything going on outside. It’s like his own personal TV but now there is sound.
As a kid I loved summer because it meant school was out and I could spend my days swimming at the pool, visiting the zoo or the park and hanging with friends. We could stay up late and have sleepovers during the week. There was always a big 4th of July party with a grill out and fireworks and trying to slurp down ice cream before it melted.

Now that I’m older I’ve come to appreciate the Autumn season much more. Pumpkin spice lattes, burnt marshmallows, cozy sweaters and my happy furbabies give me the joy that all the fun of summer once did. Are you a fall lover like us?


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