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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Life with Two

We are 10 weeks into life with 2 kids under 2 and in some ways it feels like it's always been this way but in others I'm still thinking OMG I HAVE 2 KIDS. We have fallen into some daily routines at this point but mostly it's a lot of winging it and still trying to figure this whole parenting 2 babies thing out. There's a lot of coffee (and wine), baby wearing, hugs, crying, patience, stress and love. 

Our mornings start before 7AM and everyone has breakfast. A few days a week I try to get rolling so we can get out of the house before it's approximately 1 million degrees outside. We may hit the park for a walk, run errands or meet up with friends. Sometimes I try to get in a workout and get ready and other days it's just pjs all around, coffee on repeat until nap time. Fallon has been napping consistently from about 12:30-2:30 and OMG what a game changer. After she goes down I am usually able to get Ax down too and then have some time to eat lunch and check things off the ol' to-do list. We loosely follow eat, play, sleep with Axton so sometimes he's awake before Fallon. I'll feed and play with him or wear him, put him in the swing ect. if I'm trying to finish up something before Fallon wakes up. In the afternoons we hit the pool, play in the backyard or watch Trolls literally over and over again while playing with all the toys. I set out Fallon's "dinner" between 5-5:30 and she eats it over the next hour or so. Bath time, relax + feed the baby, then bedtime. I get Ax down then take Fallon upstairs to sing our little song and snuggle. Of course things look a little differently when daddy is home but for the most part, this is the way our days go.

I try to keep expectations low and spirits high. I allow myself to get frustrated, feel overwhelmed and get upset before shaking it off and counting my blessings. I accept help when it's offered and ask for it when I need it. I wash my hair once a week, get a venti when I need it and leave the laundry in dryer in favor of snuggling my sleeping baby. Most of the time when I'm solo it's a total shit show of toddler tantrums, dry shampoo, popsicle juice and mommy milk. It's a little chaotic but I love being home with my babies so freaking much. 

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