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Monday, December 21, 2015

11 Weeks

It’s Christmas week!!! My office is closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so I am very excited about a short work week. Last week a lady came into work with a nasty cold and by Friday afternoon I knew she had given it to me. Typically I am lucky to stay pretty healthy but with my immune down during this pregnancy I could see it coming well before it happened. I spent the rest of Friday on the couch and went to bed early with the humidifier going. I tossed and turned all night only wake up feeling worse. Nearly my entire To-Do list was just going to have wait but my super awesome husband stepped in and took over. After verifying with a pharmacist, Chris picked me up some Tylenol and apple juice and I was finally about to get up in the afternoon. My only accomplishment was getting a shower and wrapping the Christmas gifts but I was satisfied with that. Very thankfully my immune system must still have some of its strength because I was feeling good enough to get up and make breakfast Sunday morning. Then I was off for cookie baking with the ladies in the family, a little chit chat with my friend Kristina while she did my hair and Christmas Vacation by the fire to end the night. Other than this cold I’m still not 100% recovered from, 11 weeks has been uneventful. The heartburn and midday nausea are still hanging around and I have yet to really pop a belly. If you know me really well and see me in a tight fitting shirt you can tell but it seems like it might still be awhile before I look pregnant to the masses. On the one hand I’m not mad about it because with everything going on lately I’m kind of glad I haven’t had to buy new clothes yet. But on the other hand, since this is my first pregnancy so I’m excited to really start rocking a baby bump. All in good time.

Symptoms: Same old, same old. It’s been a little irritating not being able to drink any soothing hot liquids with this cold and I’m still miffed I’m missing out on Christmas coffees, but it I know it could be so much worse. Sweets still give me all the heart eyes but yesterday morning I told Chris I wouldn’t mind a chocolate donut with crushed Fritos on top. In fact, that still sounds delightful. After the m&m + olive combo last week and now this one, I’m guessing there’s something to this salty sweet thing. In fact, as we speak a super awesome co-worker of mine just sent me an easy recipe for chocolate covered popcorn that I am positive I now have to make. Score! I’ll let y’all know how it goes.

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