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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

21 Weeks

So we made it over the halfway hump to 21 weeks. I mentioned yesterday that the whole pants wearing thing is becoming an issue. You see, it seems that the 9 pounds I’ve gained thus far have hardly gone to my belly but have instead taken up residence on my ass. The company I work for has a business casual dress code but there’s sort of an unwritten rule that it’s more casual than business if you’re in the secluded area where my office is. Highly confidential information is handled by the teams I work on and next to so we are completely out of the limelight and any visiting clients don’t even know we’re here. If you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen some of my week day outfits of leggings, tunics and skinny non-dress pants. Basically the main rule is blue jeans only on Fridays and the rest of the week you can wear anything else that is presentable. That’s pretty convenient for a pregnant woman since I could wear a dress or leggings everyday if I wanted to. But as much as I love my leggings, I don’t want to be limited to them. So, I have a variety of neutral colored pants I rotate in from cords to white/black skinny jeans to olive/khakis. Up until now they’ve been getting progressively tighter but went on without a struggle and most of them still buttoned because they sit underneath the belly. But now that problem is just that, the BUTT. I was literally hopping around and contorting my body the best I could in attempt to get jeans on last Friday. Once I finally did get them up the zip and button part was pretty easy (although it’s a lot more comfortable to leave them unbuttoned with the belly band or hair tie). Shopping for maternity pants over the weekend proved I’m in no man’s land, stuck between getting my regular pants over my behind and not having a big enough belly to hold up the bands on the maternity pants. The struggle is real. The 2 pairs of jeans I did walk away with fit well enough for now but I know I’ll be tugging at the band until this belly finally gets bigger. Anyone else have this problem? I’ve heard it’s an anterior placenta thing and also that it’s a “boy” thing. Who knows. Today I wrangled myself into my favorite white skinny jeans and am rocking the belly band with them unbuttoned. And while having a bigger ass is a pain in the ass, I think it detracts from the fact that I’m looking chubby and maybe or maybe not pregnant.

Symptoms: Sweets, sweets and more sweets. I literally drool over Pinterest recipes and actually woke up Sunday morning with a NEED for the cinnamon vanilla pancakes I had pinned. I’ve probably gained more weight by now but I won’t find out how much until my next appointment in a week. I’ve had some mild heartburn and pretty annoying lower back pain but all the baby wiggles I’m feeling totally make me forget about it. The strongest movement comes when I sit or lay down after a lot of activity like a workout or just doing a lot of walking around the house cleaning or whatever. But it feel smaller bouts of movement all throughout the day. I was even getting kicked in the shower last night!

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