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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

25 Weeks

It's not unique, but we are calling the baby "monkey" lately because that's what it feels like I have inside me. I told my mom I had little feet in my ribs and she said not to be surprised if I get a "hanging from my ribs by its toes" feeling and yea, that pretty much describes it. It's funny because I've been told baby P's birthday will fall in the year of the monkey according to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar. My belly is definitely getting bigger but I still have a peek-a-bump. I can pretty much hide it or at least significantly minimize it with loose and flowy tops or dresses but it also looks loud and proud when I show it off. I'm still not used to, nor do I think I ever will be, all the attention that comes with having a pregnant belly. But that's okay because as soon as this little monkey is born he or she will be the main attraction and I will be just the mom in the background.
Symptoms: Mood swings and nesting are in full force. Sunday morning I was getting ready for Easter brunch and having a fit about what to wear. I had it in my mind that since it was Easter and such a nice, warm day I was going to wear a pretty Spring dress. While I still have plenty of things in my closet that fit me, being hell bent on this particular category severely limited my options. In my mind I had a few choices but once I started putting them on, it became very clear that several parts of my body were just no longer going to be accommodated (at least not appropriately) by most of my non-maternity dresses. I settled on a chambray baby doll dress from last summer eventually but that was after throwing a mini tantrum about being stuffed in a fat suit and flinging dresses and hangers all over the bedroom. Ya know, like a grown woman. Now let's talk about this whole nesting thing. It started with going through the bedroom closets but then progressed to the kitchen cabinets and pantry and by the time I was organizing medications by what they are for I realized that's exactly what I was doing. While I am usually fairly organized, this is not my typical behavior so I'm chalking it up to the common pregnancy side effect they call nesting. Yup, that's me, mama bird over here preparing the nest.

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