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Saturday, November 19, 2016

4 Month Fussies

I won't even pretend that I have really any part of motherhood all figured out, but there for a minute I kind of thought I had found my groove. And then Fallon turned 4 months old. I swear it was like someone supercharged her overnight and she woke up pissed off. The past few weeks we've been losing our minds desperately trying to figure out why she's been upset 75% of the time and doing all kinds of ridiculous things to keep her from having constant meltdowns. 

4 month sleep regression? Transition to the crib? Growth spurt? Teething? Developmental? Gas? Boredom? Some combination of any or all of the above? Or dear God is this just her true personality emerging and she's going to be like this FOREVER? 

We introduced solids, gave her gas relief drops & Tylenol, took long walks, car rides, sang songs and played with all the toys. But the fussiness just kept up. I was wondering how I was going to do this everyday without beating my head against the wall in frustration. Other mamas could empathize, but mostly it was I honestly don't remember if mine went through that. Probably because we block out these times as way to preserve sanity and keep the human race going. 

And then just as quickly as this salty attitude came on, it left the building. I'm not saying we suddenly have a happy baby all the time. I mean, is that even a real thing? But the last few days we've had more smiles than tears, more giggles than fussing and more fun than frustration. I feel like I finally found my way out of the rabbit hole and we're back in the game. We will never know what this little phase was all about. But it really doesn't matter. One thing is for sure, we aren't one bit sad to see those 4 month fussies hit the road! 


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