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Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow Day

We had a snow day today. 

I sort of took the forecast with a grain of salt because so far none of the snowfalls this winter have amounted to much. But it's been snowing all day and it's currently still coming down. I work about 35 miles away from where I live so I stayed home today.

Ares normally likes to play in the snow but he isn't a fan of being outside while it's actively falling. And Chaos is the farthest thing from a snow bird. He would pack up his bags and happily move south if we asked him to. But we bundled up and headed out for a little bit, boots and all, even though Ares lost his in about 2 minutes. He also walked with stiff front legs and sort of marched with his back feet. 

The whole weekend was pretty cold so I was glad we started off Saturday morning with a homemade breakfast. Chris loved the berries n cream pancakes I made and I agree they were pretty tasty. I also made him a meat laden breakfast casserole to fulfill his carnivorous dreams although I didn't eat it. 

He surprised me with the hoodie I've been wanting from Urban Suburban as my Valentine's Day gift and Chaos posed with me to help show it off. 

I gave him a new Michigan hat filled with goodies and I couldn't resist the Dirty Blonde beer.

Yesterday we ran errands and Chris had a Starbucks vanilla latte for the first time. They also had free vanilla frappuccino samples and I couldn't help but laugh at him drinking from the miniature cup and straw. 

Even though it was cold it was sunny so the kiddos soaked it up lounging by the back door. 

If you had snow today like us I hope you were safe and got to enjoy it. Ares and Chaos loved that mommy was home all day with them but they were happy to look at the snow falling outside while they stayed snuggly on the couch.

Happy Snow Day!

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