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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Behind the Blog

When I decided to start a blog I didn’t really know what I was getting into. I had to ask my friend who works in marketing how to even go about it. My busy life hasn’t really allowed for spending much time on the computer so I wasn’t reading different blogs and didn’t have a clear idea on how the whole blogging thing works. I’ve been told I write well and since I love my animals and have a lot to share about them, my friends started suggesting my own blog was in order.


I found other blogs that would interest me and started checking them out, just reading a few posts to get a feel for the content. I also looked at the writing style, design and set up of these blogs. I ended up just creating a Google Blogger account because it seemed the easiest way to go for a newbie like me. I chose a predesigned template, typed in the name of my blog and added the picture and that was my start.

Along the way I have added and changed a few things, but my blog is pretty basic. That is partly because I don’t have the greatest relationship with technology and do not have the knowledge to do anything fancy, and partly because I want it to be about what I have to say and the pictures that help tell the story.

My very first post was about the weather. It was very short and had just one picture. I was tentative in my approach because I wasn’t exactly sure of the direction I was going. If you’ve followed along from the beginning or gone back and read earlier posts, you can see where I find my groove so to speak. One day my friend told me she could tell I was getting more comfortable with it and my personality was really starting to come through. That is when I knew it was right.

I was enjoying writing posts more and more but I was also realizing blogging was more work than I had anticipated. Sometimes post topics present themselves in conversation or just in my daily activities. Other times I come up with topics I hope are interesting, entertaining or helpful. Of course some of my days alone are enough to blog about but I feel like it’s better to keep mixing it up. Those posts about my own day are easier to write but I enjoy writing about other topics I need to research or put more effort into just as much. At times it feels like I have homework because I’m trying to fit in posting in between all the other things I need to do. But it’s the kind of homework I don’t dread and rather look forward to.

I’ve gotten a lot of feedback about people really enjoying all the pictures. The pictures are actually the hardest part! I always try to have pictures match the content of the post so sometimes that means going through the hundreds of pictures I’ve already taken and sometimes that means taking new pictures. It can take quite a while to go through all those pictures to find the right ones or to take new ones and upload them, but I think the pictures really make what I am writing come to life. I am lucky that the dogs are usually ready and willing to model for me but the cats can be tricky. Miss Piper has her diva moments and Little O would rather play than sit still for pictures. But it’s worth the time and effort to get the right shots because this is something I’m putting my heart into.

I’m still really new at this blogging thing and I know I might not be going about it the way other bloggers are or have all the cool extras on my site, but I hope that my readers keep reading anyway. This blog has become important to me and it’s something I hope to continue to do as long as I can find the time. If you like what you are reading, have a question for me, or would like to suggest a topic for me to write about, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an e-mail at I love to hear from my readers and any feedback is always appreciated. I’m not all about trying to grow my audience just for the numbers but rather I am looking to connect with others who share my love of animals and can relate to my experiences so share my posts if you like them.

I wasn’t sure what I started out to do as a blogger and I’m still finding my way, but it’s become a part of me and something I can be proud of. I want to thank you all for reading and being a part of my venture into the blogging world. Have a pit-i-ful, Boston, pretty kitty day!


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