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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Peeps, Pups & the Proposal

I hope you all had a very happy Easter weekend. We had nice sunny weather and spent some time outside. Our Saturday morning walk was spent admiring all the new plants and flowers coming into bloom and soaking up a little sun.


Sunday morning Chris and I headed out to his aunt’s house for Easter brunch and I met a cute little real live peep.

We also got some marshmallow peeps to enjoy later on and then headed off to my aunt’s house. Ares and Chaos were rocking their Salt Dog Café bandanas and having a blast running around the backyard with their cousins. Ares was darting around so fast he lost his bandana shortly after we arrived.

After a fun Easter egg hunt everyone was relaxing in the shade of the deck. Ares and Chaos even got to munch of some ice cubes and I shared the Blueberry Lemon Crumble recipe I had tried out. By the time we were ready to head home the boys were exhausted and happy.


Spending time with family on a holiday is always nice but it can wear everybody out a little. We spent the evening lounging at home with the fan going and the back door cracked. Well, all of us except Little O and Piper who had been snoozing all day long and were ready to play.



The day after a holiday it’s always a little extra hard to get going and back to the grind. It was a busy day for me but looked as though we would have a nice evening so I was ready to have a relaxing evening walk with the dogs. Little did I know I was in for more than just a walk.

All day long Chaos kept a big secret from me. He played it cool and didn’t give me the slightest hint that something was about to happen. As I left the house thinking I was off to help save a hurt dog, Chaos didn’t say a word and just went into his crate like he always does when we leave the house.

An hour later I was confused to see him coming out a garage door and down the hill to the field Chris and I were standing in. He was so excited to let Chris get something special out of his blue backpack. And he was happier than ever when I said yes to the diamond ring Chris pulled out.

I know you are all thinking, it’s not fair that the other furbabies didn’t get to participate. Well, there is a good reason for that. Chris masterminded his whole plan to surprise me and make sure I never saw it coming. In order to pull everything off without a hitch we couldn’t have the cats roaming around outside trying to kill things and Ares taking off for who knows where when released to freedom. It would have killed the romance. Chaos is the only one who is trustworthy outside and off leash and he did exactly as he was supposed to. I still can’t believe he kept that big secret from me!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend time with loved ones. Maybe your Monday evening wasn’t as exciting as mine, but you never know what surprises life has in store for you next. Happy Tuesday from our little family!


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