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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Random Life

Life is just all over the place right now so this post will totally reflect the random insanity of it.  Let’s back up to last Friday. I took a phone call at my desk from a man with the thickest British accept accent I’ve heard outside of a movie. I honestly thought maybe someone was playing a joke at me at first. Once I realized dude was legit, we had a nice conversation but in order to save myself from a professional nightmare I had to put the guy on hold. I pretended I need to look something up to help him and then I burst into a fit of giggles I had been holding back. I don’t know why his accent struck me as so funny but those giggles could not be stopped. It was a pretty great start to my day. During my lunch break I ran a few errands and decided to treat myself to Starbucks. When I pulled up I saw the sign for the s’mores Frappuccino and I was sold. It is even more amazing that it sounds and looks put together. Do yourself a favor and go get one. Like ten minutes ago. Ignore the massive amount of calories, I’m telling you it’s totally worth it.

It was a beautiful afternoon and I was psyched to get home and hang with my little family. Unfortunately there were an obnoxious amount of breakdowns scattered down the highway so it took me forever to get home. I couldn’t pop the top off a cold one fast enough. When Chris got home he popped one too and then we got ready to walk the dogs. I thought I would be a total badass and take my beer with me on our walk, so sneakily hidden in my coffee tumbler so I could walk down the busy street. It was a great idea until about 2 miles in I had to pee. Really bad. I knew if I could just make it to the Kroger on our route I could run in there. As we were walking passed a condo complex we passed by a few teenage boys just as a car was coming down the street. The passenger side window was rolled down and all of a sudden a pair of sunglasses was launched toward us and the guy yelled something I won’t repeat at the boys going the other way. They kept walking but the sunglasses fell right in front of Chris and Chaos and Chris was livid. We saw the car turn into the Kroger parking lot and headed that way, sunglasses in tow. When we made it down there the car was parked right in the middle of the lot. I handed Ares over to Chris while I used the bathroom. Completely irrelevant to the story but as I was walking through the store I saw 2 young girls ready to go out in their little black dresses and heels. When I saw myself in the mirror in the bathroom I busted out laughing. I used to be those girls once upon a time but fast forward a few years and there’s me in my sweatshirt falling off my shoulder, old yoga pants and sneakers, no make-up, messy hair, beer in my coffee tumbler on a Friday night. All aboard the hot mess express.

Anyway, when I came out I asked Chris if he was actually going to wait for the kids to come out and he sure was. A few minutes later 2 young guys walked out with a few bags and headed to their car. I hung back a little but Chris walked up to them with Chaos. They looked immediately terrified, I’m not sure if it was more of Chris or Chaos. Chris tried to give them back their sunglasses and they pretended as if they weren’t theirs and then backtracked saying the guys walking down the street were their friends (stuttering and shaking as they spoke). The one kid finally took the sunglasses back and they took off, crossing over rows just so they didn’t have to drive passed us. Chris never said anything mean but he obviously was trying to teach the boys a lesson and I’m pretty sure they got the message. Night made. Still laughing.

Saturday we attended a friend’s wedding and Chris was actually a groomsmen. So you can imagine how excited he was to get up bright and early Sunday morning after all the wedding day festivities. We had lots to do before attending my cousin’s 1st Communion party. We had planned to cross some more things off our list afterward but the evening was looking too nice not to go home and sit on the patio with some drinks.

I hope you are all having a great week. Stay tuned for some exciting news!


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