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Thursday, January 11, 2018

28 Weeks: Hello Third Trimester

I remember when I was pregnant with Fallon at this point and some people kindly corrected me when I proudly said I was in my third trimester. When I shared this with my OB she laughed and said of course you are in your third trimester, who am I to argue?! But really, some charts do say 28 weeks, some say 29. It depends who you ask but I'm going with 28 weeks and that's that. 

I go back to the doctor next week to see how much my belly has grown and how much weight I've gained but I am feeling pretty large these days. Mostly due to the fact that my lungs are so smushed I'm constantly feeling out of breath, and I don't just mean a little winded, I mean like I'm running an all day marathon. On the up side I am usually able to sleep like the dead when I crash at night until Fallon wakes me before the sun comes up. The pins + needles feeding in my hands and arms has begun again, just like last time, but heartburn is nearly nonexistent! I am a kind of exhausted I've never known at the end of each day but thankfully back pain is minimal and other symptoms are just kind of annoying noise in the background of everything else going on. 

This baby is quite active throughout the day but remains so much gentler than my toddler ever was. Looking back on pictures of my first pregnancy I am pretty much carrying the same way size wise but my belly is a bit rounder this time. I still don't have any feelings on the sex myself but the general consensus from others is girl this time around. It was boy last time for reference and clearly I have a daughter. We've yet to buy anything on my second baby must have list, even though it's fairly short, and the nursery hasn't been touched. Second kid problems. We still have 3 months, right?! I'll probably be saying the same thing in March but we will be down to 3 weeks. Shrugs. 

I definitely have not kept up with a work out routine like I was able to do with Fallon, but carrying + chasing Fallon and going up and down the steps approximately 3 million times a day has kept my energy levels from completely tanking. I do wear some off my maternity shirts but being home this time I'm mostly in leggings and tunic tops or sweatshirts and quite honestly pjs all day far too often. The last time I wore jeans I just did the ol' rubber band trick but we may be beyond that now. I'll have to check and report back. Since we've reached the final stretch of pregnancy number 2 I'd like to do updates every 2 weeks through the end so hold me accountable!

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