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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Cheers to a New Year

Happy 2018! Hi, it's me. Yes, I'm still here, getting my ish back together after the month+ long holiday hustle. Don't get me wrong, this year was definitely a whole lot of fun with a toddler who we could take on festive outings and understood the concept of presents enough to get excited. But it certainly had this pregnant mama feeling wiped out every single day of December. I made sure to only schedule sponsored projects on my Instagram account, deciding that blogging would have to sit the season out for the most part. As much as I wish I could just rally and do all the things, sometimes super girl has to hang up her cape and reprioritize. 

This pregnancy is quite literally kicking my butt and chasing a wild + growing toddler all day everyday with all the added holiday stuff on top threw me for a loop. I went for a week long recovery followed by a few days to just reset and now, I'MMM BAAAAAACK! As we begin a new year and I find myself looking right at the last leg of this pregnancy there are so many emotions. I'm beyond excited to welcome a second baby into our family, start back up on some home projects and really make a strong effort to meet some personal goals. Of course I'm also insanely nervous about the learning curve I face becoming a mother of 2 little ones and navigating the uncharted waters that will totally change our household dynamic. But I'm feeling motivated, refreshed and ready to take it all on. At least for the next few weeks (insert LOL emoji). 

The new year is always a great time to be goal orientated but I do hope that I can carry on this mindset as much as possible throughout 2018. I'm sure it's going to be the best year yet! You're probably sick of reading other people's goals for this year as I'm late to the party and we are four days into this year. But never the less, I'll share mine, if for no other reason than to write them all down for myself!

- Minimalism goes against my nature but I'm willing to try harder this year to really weed out the clutter in all areas of my life

- Last year was my first venture into a quasi work from home situation, learning the ropes of building a public Instagram account, becoming an influencer and using my blog as a money making social platform. This year I want to work hard to build upon those efforts and dive further into the areas I've discovered best suite me and my lifestyle using the knowledge I've gained over the past year. 

- I'm almost embarrassed that this is on my goal list but it might be the most important one. I've spent far to much time lately doing things that can actually wait, stressing over the every present to-do list and staying up past a reasonable bedtime to get ahead for the next day when really, resting is more important right now. 

I have lots of ideas and fun (hopefully!) things planned for both my blog and Instagram account that I'm really excited about. But I'm not putting too much pressure on myself to do them by a deadline or worry if they don't happen in the order I expect them too. Lifestyle has become my overall niche and of course motherhood is about to become an even bigger part of that, but I really want to spread new content out over fashion, home decor and healthy living. Think stylish momiform, updating your home on a budget, essential oils, simple recipes and real life tales from toddler town. And before we dive headfirst into all of that, I'd like to thank all of you for following along as I've made so many changes since this all started and the new friends I can't wait to get to know better who have joined in. Wishing you all a wonderful start to 2018. Let's do this!


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