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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

12 Months Of Fallon

It has been harder and harder to keep up with these monthly updates but I am so glad I stuck it out. These are like a virtual scrapbook that I already love looking back on to remember what Fallon was doing each month. I'm lame and never got around to doing an actual baby book so these blog posts will have to do!

Fallon's one year checkup was this morning and she weighed in at 19.5lbs, 29.25 inches tall. A thirteenth tooth is coming in so she has a mouthful of teeth to chomp all the food she gobbles up. Her hair is finally getting a bit thicker but it is far from being ponytail length. One day it will happen! 

The scoot is still her favorite way to get around but she has been cruising across all the furniture and the baby pool for a few weeks now. She does stand on her own for short periods and has a taken a step on a few recent occasions. But she has proved to be the kind of kid that does things when she wants, whether she is capable is irrelevant. She loves stuffed animals, dolls and blankets and cuddles them up to her chest melting us into puddles. It's the best ever though when she hugs us and says awwww. 

We still haven't found a food she won't at least try and she's eating things just like we do now. She can wield a spoon but prefers to dive into applesauce with both hands. I can't say I blame her. But even though she eats all day long and still nurses 3 times a day, she remains petite, save for the little thigh rolls and belly. So many people have asked if I cried on her birthday and have begged her to stay little but I could not be happier about my baby turning one! The more she is able to do the more fun we have. It is exhausting chasing her around and ensuring that she isn't doing things she's not supposed to, but I just love that she's becoming my little buddy. Watching her learn to do things on her own and seeing her interact with her world on a higher level is so amazing and joyful for me. 

Fallon Lynn you have turned our whole world upside down this past year in the best possible way. Every day we learn as much from you as you learn from us. We are so very excited to see what this next year has in store and can't wait to watch you grow!

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