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Friday, March 7, 2014

Furbabies: On Nicknames

I have a lot of nicknames. I won’t list them because there are too many and some of them are embarrassing. Nicknames are like a term of endearment your friends and family call you. Sometimes they are a variation of your actual name or some part of  your name. Sometimes they come from something you’ve done or that happened to you. And sometimes it’s by accident when someone called you that name and it just kind of stuck.

I don’t know about you but I also have nicknames for my furballs. Some of them are transferrable to any of them: baby, muffin, boo boo, pumpkin pie, sugar lumpkins (yes I really say that). Some are for either dog: Pup pup, puppers, pupperoni or my favorite, stinkerdoodle. And some are for either cat: Pretty kitty, fluffernut. But each also have their own individual nicknames too.

Piper is Pipes, Pipey, princess or daddy’s girl. Need I explain more?

The one I use most often for Ares is Arebear but he’s also snorty pants or stinkpot. He snorts all the time, sometimes I think just to hear himself do it. And of course air in = air out and the air out is HIGHLY unpleasant.

Chaos is Cay Cay, Cay-Baby or fatty/fatboy. He’s 55 lbs of solid muscle so now the latter is just ironic but it actually started with us poking fun at him when he gained weight while being on steroids for his allergies. Does that make us mean? It doesn’t seem to offend him.

Little O just goes by a nickname. His real  name is Orion but I started calling him Little O the day after I got him and then referred to him that way to everyone else so it stuck. His other nicknames are O bow and bad boy. He’s always knocking things over and getting into stuff but hey, he’s a curious kitten.

These are all names I throw out on a regular basis but Chris has actually started using them too. Sometimes he will catch himself after saying c’mon Cay Cay or little Arebear and then look at me like see what you’ve done. I respond with a look that says please, I hear you baby talk to them when I’m in the other room all the time so save it.

Do you have nicknames for your furbabies? Please share!


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