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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's in a Collar?: Choosing the Perfect One

Our dogs have always worn collars all the time. Even when they were little we bought cheap collars and replaced them as they grew. We wanted to get them used to wearing collars and also be able to keep tags on them. Ares was so little when I got him that his first collar was actually a cat collar.


Once they grew to their full size we got them nicer collars but they are still the kind made of nylon from the pet store. I didn’t really put too much thought into the significance of a collar. I picked Ares’s because it’s blue striped and has an easy buckle clip. Chaos’s is a little thicker and I thought the green looked nice against his coat.

The boys’ have been wearing these collars for about a year now and they really are starting to look worn down. They’ve been through a lot of weather conditions on our walks, endured slobber and tugging during playtime, been mud and dust covered at the park and Chaos’s is even a little blood stained from scratching open a sore. There isn’t really any sort of emotional attachment to their current collars for me so I’ve been thinking it’s time to replace them. But the more I look around, the more I’m overwhelmed with all the choices.

Apparently many people put a great deal of thought into their dog’s collars. They become something sentimental, almost like picking the perfect engagement ring because it’s something they will wear forever. I am kind of liking this idea of the boys having very special collars of their own, but that brings a certain amount of pressure to deciding what these collars will be.

A forever collar has to be perfect. They need to speak to the boys’ individual personalities. I could continue to search through all the premade collars out there, and I’m sure I would eventually find one that fits each dog, but they wouldn’t be unique. I think at this point I’m leaning towards designing our own.


There are many choices of material for dog collars but with the lifestyle we live, it seems leather would be the best choice. After all, if these are supposed to last forever, they are going to have to stand up against everything my boys will put them through. Leather is tough and durable and wears well with time.

Of course I want my precious pups to be stylish but also classic. I’ve checked out several websites featuring custom leather dog collars but am still narrowing my search. There are different types and colors of leather and a plethora of ways to design the collar using studs, stones, emblems and name plates. None of these options are inexpensive, especially when you add in several custom options, but hey, it’s a one time deal, and they’re always worth it.

Stay tuned to see the boys’ stylin’ in their new collars once we make our decisions. Do other people put a big emphasis on dog collars? Is it silly to buy expensive collars?


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