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Friday, January 9, 2015

You Asked, I Answered

So I’ve been getting e-mails from all of you asking questions about different things you see in our pictures or that I’ve mentioned in previous posts. Instead of e-mailing all of you back individually, I figured I would just do a whole Q & A post. If you’ve e-mailed lately and I haven’t responded, this is why and I apologize for not doing this sooner!

Q: Where do the dogs sleep?

A: Chris and I are literally on opposite schedules all week long. So to elaborate on this question, their schedule is something like this:

8:00 AM – Breakfast & Potty Break
8:15 AM – Play time
9:00 AM – Nap time (in their crates in the back bedroom) while daddy goes to the gym
11:00 AM – Walk
12:00 PM – Training session
12:30 PM – Place time (lay down on their beds and chew Nylabones or rest)
1:30 PM – Play time until daddy leaves for work
2:00 PM – Into their crates to nap until mommy gets home
5:00 PM – Mommy comes home and a walk
6:00 PM – Dinner
6:15 PM – Playtime
7:00 PM – Place time
8:00 PM – Potty break and back to place
9:30 PM – Play time
10:00 PM – Bed time for mommy and nap time in their crates for the boys
Midnight – Daddy comes home and play time
1:00 AM – Place time
1:30 AM – Bed time in their crates

Q: What do Chris and I do for a living?

A: I work in insurance for a leasing company and Chris works at a distribution center where many of your favorite treats are sent out for grocery store shelves.

Q: How do we get the dogs to “pose” for pictures?

A: They are so used to it by now that most of the time they will look right at my iPhone camera. But if they don’t, we use a high pitched baby voice and say their names or the word “treat”, which usually does the trick. However, if they are feeling particularly stubborn and the moment is too cute to pass up without a camera facing shot, we resort to whatever ridiculousness we can think of. Like speaking jibberish while making kissy faces, hopping up and down in place or (me) pretending to cry because they (especially Chaos) don’t like it and immediately look at me. The last one might sound a little mean but it’s a rare occasion and after I get the shot I quickly act all happy again.

Q: What do we feed the furbabies?

A: Ares and Chaos strictly eat Blue Buffalo dry dog food although we do switch up the flavors. In the morning Ares gets half a cup and Chaos gets a cup. In the evening Ares gets slightly less than half a cup with a tablespoon of plain nonfat yogurt mixed in and Chaos gets slightly less than a cup with one and a half tablespoons mixed in. We use measuring cups for the dry food but I will be perfectly honest, I’m guessing on the yogurt because I just plop it into their bowls using a regular spoon. Miss Piper is on a special dry food for her bladder issues that we buy in bulk from our vet’s office. I’ve never measured her food because she follows the “eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full” rule and this has always worked for her. In the morning I fill her bowl with dry kibble just so that the bottom is covered and sometimes she eats it all and sometimes she doesn’t. In the evening I either give her what she didn’t eat that morning of the dry kibble plus about ¼ of a can of Fancy Feast wet food or just the wet food if she ate all her dry food that morning. Before the boys came around her bowl stayed out for her and it would just be refilled when it started to get low. Little O would eat an entire bag of cat food if we let him so we have to ration his meals. In the morning I fill his bowl enough to cover the bottom and then do the same in the evening. He eat Iams indoor cat food for 1-6 years. Both doggies and kitties are fed in ceramic bowls we picked up from different pet stores when I got them.

Q: Where are the dogs’ blankets from?

A: Oh you mean the countless ones in 90% of the pictures taken inside? We may all have a bit of a blanket obsession in our house. There are few things we love more than cuddling on the couch with a cozy blanket. The striped and plaid fleece blankets are from Old Navy. They are regularly priced at $10 but are often on sale for $5. These are so soft and a decent size to use in Chaos’s crate, for lounging on Sundays or packing up to take with us for visits. And of course I love the cute patterns. Score. The snowflake, penguin, owl and Christmas dog blankets are all steals from Wal-Mart we found just after Thanksgiving 2013 for $5. Ares’s blue blankie that has magically made it over 2 years now without so much as a frayed edge was a gift from my cousins for his first Christmas and I believe was from Petsmart. We don’t spend a lot of money on dog blankets because they tend to take a beating and do eventually (except for blue blankie) get ruined.

If you have more questions feel free to e-mail me and I will be happy to do another post if there’s enough interest. Thanks for reading and Happy Sunday!

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