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Friday, November 6, 2015

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

I love breakfast. I look forward to eating it every morning so much so that I’m immediately hungry when I wake up. But when your wake up time is 5AM every week day morning, sometimes a few extra minutes of sleep sound better than making breakfast. And then I discovered overnight oats. There are about a million ways to make this delicious and easy first meal of the day but today I’m going to share one of my favorites.

One of the best things to eat in the fall would have to be honey crisp apples. I have always liked any kind of apple but these are hands down my favorite. So naturally I decided that apple pie overnight oats would be amazing with some chopped honey crisp apple on top. If you’ve never heard of overnight oats, you’re in for a real treat. They literally sit overnight in your fridge soaking up all the goodness you mixed in with them the night before and are ready for you to grab and go in the morning. As a vegetarian, I love quick, easy and delicious ways to get protein into my diet and this is tops on the list. You could definitely make these more of a dessert with different ingredients but for weekdays I like to keep it as healthy and full of nutrition as possible. So here it is.

½ cup dry rolled oats

½ cup milk (I used vanilla almond)

1 tbsp nut butter (I used Justin’s maple flavored almond butter)

2 tbsp pure maple syrup (or honey)

1-2 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp apple pie spice

Mix everything together in a bowl, cover and let sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning you can just grab it and go but I like to add some chopped apple, a few walnuts or pecans and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I feel like I am actually eating dessert for breakfast but it’s all healthy!

TGIF y’all!

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