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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2 Months of Fallon

Last week Fallon was officially 2 months old and I'm pretty sure I was JUST writing her 1 month post. When they say enjoy these days while they last, they aren't kidding. We had the 2 month checkup with our pediatrician and I was pretty surprised that miss thing is now 11 lbs and 23.5 inches long! She's getting some chub in those cheeks, the cutest pot belly and thigh rolls. If her legs keep growing like weeds she's going to have wear footless sleepers or swim in size 6 months. 

It is so exciting to see more and more of Fallon's little personality come out. She's smiling and talking to us all the time now and sometimes Chris and I just listen to her and laugh because she makes the funniest sounds. I love that she recognizes our faces and gives us big gummy grins. It melts my heart every time Chris comes home from work and she sees him, her whole face just lights up. I have a strong feeling that despite my best efforts, this one is going to be a daddy's girl. 

Fallon's favorite things are puppy kisses on her tiny toes, cuddling her kitties, hanging outside, car rides and bath time. She has an adventurous spirit already, always loving to meet new people, go new places and see and hear new sights and sounds. Although she's still not much of a napper, she has started to consolidate her cat naps during the day into half hour or so stretches. Aside for a few odd nights, she's still a champion nighttime sleeper and now goes down around 9PM and wakes up for the day between 7:30-8AM with typically 2 feedings in between. She's still in newborn diapers and can actually wear some of her newborn clothes but she's mostly in 0-3/3 months. It is fun to be able to play a bit more now that Fallon is starting to interact with her toys, responding to colors, herself in the mirror and all the different shapes and textures. I'm not sure watching her kick the crap out of the Kick and Play Piano Gym will ever get old. 

No matter what kind of day it's been, at the end of it, right before I lay her down to sleep, I hold her tight and breath her in and thank all my lucky stars I get to be her mama. 


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