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Friday, November 4, 2016

Fridays With Fallon

The day we were discharged from the hospital and able to go home as a family after Fallon was born was a Friday. I was holding Fallon that morning in the NICU and snapped a few pictures, one I captioned "Fridays with Fallon". A few weeks later my parents offered to hang with baby girl while Chris and I snuck out for our first date night since her arrival and Fridays was Fallon was born. It's now become a weekly thing, one night a week we can get together with family/friends and, well, hang out with Fallon.

Babies grow so freaking fast, you blink and no longer have a teensy newborn but a rolling, babbling, teething 17 week old. It's so nice that our families are able to watch her grow in real time and we all get to spend time together. We float houses so sometimes we host, sometimes my parents and sometimes my in-laws but it's extremely casual and no one is expected to reserve every single Friday night. As Fallon gets older and I am able to be away for longer, Chris and I will probably use a Friday here and there as date night and leave her with all her adoring fans. I am betting no one will complain. They might not even notice!

I'm sure we won't keep up with this forever as the little ones get older and have other things to do. But for now, we always look forward to Fridays and not just because it's the start of the weekend. Happy Friday friends!

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