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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Coffee Love & Wedding Stuff

Sorry it's been almost a week since I've posted but wedding stuff has momentarily taken over. I actually wrote this post a few days ago but am just now getting around to it. I know, I know. I'll try harder I promise!

Saturday morning I had to do some cleaning up after all my furbabies. They are so good at making messes and not cleaning them up. My super awesome fiancé ran out and got me some coffee to get my energy flowing and then he headed off to breakfast without me. Nice. Okay, the only reason I wasn’t invited is because it was more like a meeting with his buds to finalize bachelor party plans. I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway!

Sunday afternoon I went to a wedding shower for a friend who is getting married 2 weeks before me.  It was chilly in the morning running errands but by noon it felt like a beautiful Spring day. Always a themed gift giver, Kristina and I went in on the perfect present for coffee lovers.

I can’t believe that my first shower is next Sunday! When Chris and I set our date is seemed so far away, like it might not ever come. But now that we are in the home stretch it still isn’t quite sinking it how close we are.

We’ve been planning for the big day for about 10 months now and I have learned so much along the way. The biggest thing I would say to other brides to be is to have your wedding the way you see it. That might sound obvious to most people but once you get into planning you realize that everyone is going to have an opinion and it can be very easy to feel pressured or be to persuaded. Remember the wedding is about you and the person you are marrying but you also can’t forget about your guests. Keeping the details authentic to your relationship and personalities is important but you do have to keep the big picture in mind.

I was doing something at work once and I couldn’t understand why we were still using a process that was created almost 10 years ago when I could think of so many ways to improve it now. When I brought it up no one seemed to know why we had never made any changes. It was just the way it was always done so we stuck with it. Just because something worked for someone else, somewhere else or 2 years ago doesn’t mean you have to do it. Traditions often times are continued simply for the sake of saying they were done.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against tradition. But if you aren’t a traditional person, don’t go that route for your wedding just because that’s the way your family expects it. Like I said, guests need to be considered, but major decisions shouldn’t be based on their wishes, only yours.

As we get closer to our wedding I will love sharing some of our details and why we chose them. I am sure almost nothing is completely original, even though we might think so, or that it will be the best wedding anyone has ever been to. But I can absolutely say we’ve stayed true to ourselves and tried very hard to consider our guests and our wedding will showcase that. We’ve got nothing against a classic black tie affair, a modern vintage look, rustic elegance or city chic, but they just aren’t very “us”. So if you stay tuned I will talk about our Polished Casual wedding theme and how we plan to pull it off.

In the meantime, here are some always adorable (if I do say so myself) snaps of the furry munchkins.


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