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Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Wedding Diaries: Shoe Search

My first wedding dress fitting is quickly approaching and I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect shoes. I’m a shoe lover and have been known many a time to sacrifice comfort for style. I don’t shy away from bright colors or patterns and my shoes are often my best accessory. I started my search last year but quickly became overwhelmed. The To-Do list was still very long and I had so many other things on my mind I had to put shoes on the back burner. When this year started I went back out on the quest for wedding shoes but on the contrary from the first time, I was completely underwhelmed. I looked and looked until my eyes went crossed and just couldn’t seem to find any that grabbed me. So again, I shelved that endeavor while I focused on other things on my list. And then last week I realized my first fitting would be in mere weeks and I really needed to find some shoes!

Our wedding colors are navy and yellow. My bridesmaids will wear navy dresses with yellow shoes (which are SO cute) so I wanted to go opposite them and wear navy shoes. Blue shoes covers my “something blue” for the tradition of wearing something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue on your wedding day so it definitely seemed like a fun way to go. Like I said, I’ve been known to withstand pain for cute shoes and have always opted for a higher heel as I’m 5’4. But I am erring a little on the practical side for the wedding day because I don’t want to be wincing every step down the aisle. I have to wear these shoes for a good portion of the day while we take pictures, through the ceremony, and at least the first dances at the reception before I change. Chris is much taller than me so I do want to keep a heel on the shoes, just a shorter one than I would normally go for. This time around I finally came across some options that caught my attention. I went ahead and ordered the pair I think will be best so now I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. I’m really hoping they fit and look good with my dress but if not, at least I have several back up options.

Ares and Chaos couldn’t care less about my shoes. I asked for their opinions but all I got were these looks as I was rudely interrupting their sunbathing/lounging. 

Which pair do you think are my first pick?

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