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Friday, April 3, 2015

These Are the Days of Our Lives: 4-02-15

So I don’t know what the deal is but for some reason your comments don’t show up on the blog posts but I am still getting the notifications and your e-mails. Until (okay IF) I figure that whole business out just keep doing what you’re doing because I can see what you’re saying even if everyone else can’t. That being said, I received a very sweet e-mail and some comments over the past week about how together I seem to have my life. WHAT? While I am beyond flattered, I have to be honest that most of the time we are just winging it. There’s usually a generalized plan in place each day and sometimes it does go just that way but other times the shit show begins and we spend the rest of the day improvising with plan B or C or chalking it up to oh well and trying again tomorrow.

This is going a little beyond my comfort zone but I thought it might be a good thing give to you all a better look into a day in our lives. Or a few. Once you see what really goes on over here, you might rethink how together I actually have it, but at least you’ll have a more realistic perspective. I wrote this first one throughout the day so I wouldn’t forget anything and documented it with some pictures. I gave a generalized idea of what I plan for throughout the day and then talked about what actually happened. If I do future posts like this I will just write about what actually happened.

5:00 AM

My alarm wakes me up at this dark hour and I turn it off and roll over to get a few more peaceful minutes of rest. This morning I'm struggling so I stay in bed a little longer than I should.

5:15 /5:30 AM

I haul my ass out of bed and feed all the kiddos. I wish someone would serve me breakfast in bed. Instead I do my morning get ready routine. Sometimes I can stretch out my lying in bed while debating calling in sick time if I wear my hair up, but usually I fix it because I prefer to wear it down. Today I’m going for half assed curls that hopefully look like I went for the “I woke up like this but really I spent forever styling it this way” look since I am getting a bit of a late start.

6:00 AM

I nix the curls because I find out it's raining and just go for straight then get dressed in an outfit I’ve already had picked out. It’s hard enough getting up this early let alone becoming coherent enough to choose something decent to wear. I plan a week’s worth of outfits every Friday so that’s one less thing I have to worry about in the morning. Once I’m dressed I take the dogs out to potty. They aren’t fans of doing their business in the dark so they do it quick and then stand outside the kitchen watching me make breakfast. We eat a lot of oatmeal around here with it being quick, easy and healthy and lending itself to a variety of ways to make it. Today it’s ½ cup dry oats mixed with water, tossed in the microwave for a minute, then stirred with a spoonful of almond butter, a drizzle of honey, a small handful of walnuts, a sprinkle of ground flaxseed and some berries on top.

6:30 AM

I leave no later than this time so I can make it to work by 7. The Kane show on Kiss 107FM is my favorite and I listen to those guys every morning. When they take commercial breaks or play lame songs I hop over to B105 for some early morning country jams. This morning Kane and Intern John have me laughing out loud.

7:00 AM

 My work day begins. I am the only person who does my job so I always have work waiting for me that no one else is going to do. Some days are crazy busy and others I have time to e-mail my friends, but it all evens out. I’m busy this morning with a list of renewals to update.

9:30 AM

I take a little snack break. Usually I keep a box of Nutrigrain or Kashi bars in my desk drawer. I take a walk around the office to stretch my legs or daydream about my upcoming honeymoon. Today I just fiddle around and put some lotion on my hands (Burt’s Bees Hand Salve is the shit) and try to will the thunderstorms away.

12:00 PM

Lunch time. I have an hour for lunch that I can really take whenever I choose to, but unless I have a meeting this is usually the time I eat. I pack my lunch pretty much every day so I go heat it up and eat at my desk. Today I have roasted red potatoes and scrambled eggs with stir fry veggies (tastes way better than it looks).These days I take this time to do wedding stuff or make personal phone calls (about wedding stuff). It’s really been cutting into my online browsing. Geez. I know, first world problems. Even though I’m about 35 miles from home I can often run quick errands since the stores I shop at most are in close proximity to my office. Today I work on the picture slide show for our wedding reception.

3:00 PM

Snack time. I try to eat smaller amounts and more often throughout the day so I don’t end up pigging out on bad stuff when I get home. In the afternoons I bring veggies with humus or peanut butter, almonds or seeds and a cheese stick or an apple. Today I munched on celery with peanut butter, almonds and string cheese (remember how I said I’m vegan-ish? I don’t eat dairy every day, just sometimes).

4:00 PM

It’s quittin’ time and I begin my long trek home. Sometimes it takes me just over half an hour and sometimes closer to an hour. The latter is rough but that’s when I plug in my phone and let iTunes play (sometimes I even sing along, although not well as I have been told). It’s raining today so that slows everybody down and irritates me. I turn up Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon and bob my head to the beat.

5:00 PM

Normally this is dog walking time. We do a 3.3 miles loop from our place down a busy road to the nearby college campus and all the way back. The boys are loving the Spring time weather we’ve had lately but not today. The thunder is roaring and the sky is black so we are staying inside where it’s dry instead. I get out my yoga mat and weights and hit play on whatever YouTube workout video I’m into. Today I’m working out with Kelsey on EXHIT to sculpt my abs (okay I’m trying to GET abs). Chris takes a cat nap since he worked overtime today.

6:00 PM

Dinnertime for the furballs. Again, I wish someone would make me dinner and serve it on cue every night.

6:30/7:00 PM

This probably sounds a little backward but I don’t make dinner for dinner. While Chris was working nights I would be so hungry after my workout I couldn’t wait to make a whole meal so I would do a smoothie or a power bowl because those are quick, easy and still healthy. Later on I would make a meal for us to split for lunch the next day, which would actually be Chris’s dinner at work. It worked out so we are sticking with it. If anyone is interested let me know and I will share some power bowl and smoothie recipes. Tonight it’s a berry banana smoothie. 
7:15/7:30 PM

On the menu for lunch tomorrow is quinoa, veggies in garlic and broiled chicken for Chris, cannellini beans for me. Chris heads to off to the gym and to pick up some allergy medicine. It’s the most wonderful time of year. NOT.

8:00 PM

Get a shower. Enough said.

8:30 PM

Time to finally finish the slide show project to send it off to the videographer tomorrow. Normally it would be laundry/cleaning/watching Grey’s Anatomy on the couch but that will all have to wait. 

9:30 PM

A little training since we didn't get to walk today. Chaos is always more cooperative than Ares. Their personalities are night and day.

10:00 PM


The dogs go out to do their business one last time for the day and then off to bed. Don’t forget Ares’s blue blankie! Lights out, alarms on, bedtime for everyone. 


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