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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday Whining

I normally like to keep things positive on the blog because that’s why you read it, right? I can’t imagine anyone sticking around if all my posts had a negative spin and focused on things going wrong in my life (there is always something!). But a friend pointed out to me that it’s okay to remind my audience every once in a while that I am human, just like you, and talk about things that just aren’t going my way. Don’t worry, you aren’t in for a poor me, boo boo session and I certainly don’t expect any violins. I just kind of want to vent a little if that’s okay?

Today marks 3 ½ weeks until the Big Day. Each day I get more and more excited for it to finally be here after over a year of planning and anticipation. But planning a wedding is super stressful at times. Especially when there are a lot of things you have to remember and deadlines to meet. But it’s also dealing with vendors in general. My experience so far doesn’t come with any horror stories…yet…it’s just more of a general annoyance I’m feeling. If I am paying you to do a job it should be your responsibility to keep in contact with me and remind me when things need to happen. I’ve never done this before so I don’t know how it all works. Brides/Grooms to be are so busy the closer it gets to the wedding it can be difficult trying to squeeze in last consultations with regular life still going on. I feel like I shouldn’t be the one making the calls but rather I should be the one being contacted to say okay this is the timeframe we need to settle final details, what works for you? But I guess it doesn’t always work that way. At this point I’m not wishing it would all just be over or say that it’s disrupted my excitement, it’s just irritating. I would still recommend all my vendors though, because they are clearly awesome at what they do. And for the record, some of them have been fantastic about contacting me first and taking me through the process.

In the midst of the wedding hoopla, we are knee deep in the buying/selling a home situation. We knew putting our current home up on the market just a couple months before our wedding was a gamble, but the fear oF missing out on a great offer during a time that so many people look for homes outweighed the worry about timing. After just 4 weeks on the market we got an offer that could not be refused. And so the house hunt began. It’s enough to be busy every weekend with holidays, awesome wedding events, birthdays and playing catch up during the week with real life and vendor meetings. Add in keeping the place as clean as humanly possible for showings while trying to sell and then house hunting and it will make your head spin. We thought with the offer in place and financing situation seemingly good to go for the buyer that our next big goal would be finding a new house. After looking at several options last night we found out that our buyer’s original plan didn’t work out and she was on to plan B. That means we are stuck in limbo right now. There is a limited window for the buyer to get things back on track and if that doesn’t happen, back on the market the place goes. Sure, that means we aren’t in a time crunch to find a place, but it brings about other issues. Keeping the place showing worthy on a regular basis is time consuming with 2 of us, but Chris will be gone in the 2 weeks leading up to the wedding, which leaves me on my own. Plus, he will be traveling so much over the next 6 months that getting another buyer soon would mean I might be house hunting solo as well and having to take a million pictures to send. On the flipside, if the buyer is able to secure financing, we have very limited time that Chris is able to look at house with me and then to pick one. We would never pick a home simply to get it right now. But if we don’t find a place very soon we would have to move out and essentially by homeless. Don’t worry, I know some people who would take us in, but how big of a pain in the ass is moving twice? Ugh.

The point of this spillage is not to make you feel sorry for me or obligated to say “It will all work out”. I realize people say that because they are trying to sound positive and encouraging, but I kind of want to punch the next person who says it to me. Sometimes things don’t work out, at least not the way you wanted, but that’s okay. Life goes on. I’m not so worried about it I want to cry or just move past this part of my life. I just think sometimes it’s healthy to get it all out there. I’m generally a private person and I hate when I feel as though I’ve burdened someone by laying out my “problems”. But my blog allows me to have an outlet without standing in front of a person and having that person feel like they need to say something to make it all better, provide a solution or give me a hug. There might be some things going wrong or in limbo for me right now, but there are so, so many things going right. I will take this moment to let myself feel overwhelmed, anxious and crazy, but then I will get my shit together and carry on with my life. Because really, I have a pretty damn good one.


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