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Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all had the best day with your families and friends and some of you are probably still celebrating! There's this month long build up, all the anticipation and fun things leading up to the big day and then it's all over, just like that. Another Christmas in the books. But this year was so, so special spending it with our baby girl. 

Every Christmas Eve my parents host an open house for family, friends and neighbors. Honestly I probably enjoy Christmas Eve just as much as Christmas Day and look forward to seeing people I may not not have even seen since the party the year before. When my sister and I were little the party would end in the early evening and we would head over the river and through the woods to Grandpa's house. It was always one of Santa's first stops so we would walk in and see all the presents under the tree. We opened gifts, ate too many cookies and my dad would carry us half awake out to the car. This year we've resurrected the tradition for miss Fallon and let Santa know my parents' house should be one of his first stops. He got the message and apparently Fallon was on the nice list because she got a sweet little sack full of gifts. I'm already excited to see what he leaves in that bag for her next year. 

Christmas Day Chris and I used to run around all over town to spend time with everyone in our families. This year we hosted them all at our house for Christmas morning brunch and it was the best idea ever. We stayed in our pjs and opened presents while chowing down and Fallon took a nice long nap upstairs when she got tired. She was in such a good mood later on that we headed to my aunt and uncle's house so she could meet my dad's extended family. 

We've spent today playing with all Fallon's new toys and cleaning up from yesterday's festivities. It is so much fun to see her excitement and wonder and really I could play with her for hours. I don't wish her to grow up too fast but being able to interact more with her, teach her things and help her to develop new skills is amazing. We are so very thankful for the generosity of our families and friends but our greatest gift this year is having a baby girl to celebrate with. 

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