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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Hustle

When you're in a kid, the countdown to Christmas seems to take FOREVER. I remember my sister and I making those paper chains with red and green construction paper, hanging them up at our house and anxiously pulling one off each day. As the chain got shorter and shorter we got more and more excited. But when you're a kid, you get to enjoy all the magic this time of the year brings with none of the stress. I swear the older I get the faster Christmas comes each year and I never ever thought I'd find myself wishing there was just one extra week as we now have only days left until the big man in red flies his sleigh. 

Having a baby this year totally ups the ante. She's 5 months old so she doesn't understand who Santa is, she can't eat Christmas cookies and she only likes shopping because there's so many people to smile at. But I still want to do all the holiday things with her and show her those pictures of all the fun we had from her first Christmas. So we've gone to see lights and Santa, shopped and baked cookies, hosted a holiday brunch and watched all the Christmas movies in our festive pjs. I pretty much lost last week because I was feeling so crappy and now here we are, 5 days before Christmas and I'm suddenly in a panic over all the things I still have to do. Let the holiday hustle commence. 

I've made my list and checked it twice, hopefully when it's over I'm still nice! Over the next 3 days I plan to somehow finish shopping, get wrapping supplies + wrap all the gifts, make more cookies (because someone whose name I will not mention ate them all), frost and decorate said cookies, complete 2 homemade gifts and prepare my house + food for Christmas morning when we will have our family over. Call me crazy but I think with a little help from the cookie monster, ahem, my hubby, a lotta hustle and a dash of some Christmas magic I'll get it all done. 

Anyone else wondering how Christmas snuck up so dang fast this year?!

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