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Sunday, February 2, 2014

On Super Bowl XLVIII

The Seahawks are currently beating the Broncos as I'm writing this during the biggest football game of the year. Personally I could make an argument for either team. I'm not a big football fan but I have taken a liking to Peyton Manning and I know someone whose family member plays for the Seahawks. I normally do not ever care who wins the Super Bowl, it's more about the snacks for me. I can only imagine how misbehaved my dogs would be at a Super Bowl party with all those wonderful bacon, cheese and chip smells. It's hard enough keeping them away from a plate of mini taco melts here at home. 

This is my first go round with these little babies so I need some time to perfect the recipe. They were a little messy and don't look all that pretty but let me tell you, they are delicious and easy, of course! 

I'm actually not big on tacos but these taste so good I will definitely get these right to make again. Thankfully the dogs have spent most of the afternoon/evening lounging on their new huge bed. That is, when they aren't trying to sneak snacks. 

This was a thoughtful gift from their "grandma" who will die if she knew I was calling her that. Of course even the dog bed needs to be stylish! My mom had sent me a text about a sale on a home decor website and I told her to go ahead and pick something out she thought would be nice. She replied that she knew just what the dogs would like. And apparently she was spot on. How are you enjoying this undeclared American holiday? 



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