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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

10 Weeks

I’m actually 10 weeks, 6 days today, so even though I waited until the very last minute, here is a 10 week update as promised. Please excuse this picture, it was about 6AM this morning so the lighting is terrible and both Chris (photographer) and I were still half asleep. This week has completely flown by with the trip to Nashville and a busy first half of the work week. I’ve had my new normal of nausea bouts here and there mixed in with some heartburn and feeling sleepy most of the time. The biggest news from week 10 is the experience of my first real pregnancy craving. I’ve definitely been wanting certain things lately and turning my nose up at others, but this was a really, truly die hard craving like I’ve never known before. Monday night I all but choked down a healthy dinner. Baby seems to be taking after his or her father in that veggies and healthful foods in general are not favorites like they are usually for mom. I was putting my dishes away when I suddenly had the need for chocolate. Like right this second or I may actually stop breathing kind of craving. It’s not something we typically keep on hand in the house and I had just finished off the peanut m&ms we did have the night before. I frantically searched the pantry and was THIS CLOSE to going for the baking chips when I remembered the Advent calendar. Miyah and I had filled it with little chocolates and I had totally forgotten about eating one each day. We have this calendar and the little numbers twist off the wooden pegs. My cats were judging me hard as I ripped each one open to get to the chocolate goodness inside in what I’m sure could only be described as a frantic frenzy of numbers and wrappers. I won’t even tell you how many days I ate. Pregnancy cravings are serious business people. Also new this week, deciding peanut m&ms and olives as a combo is a great idea. Go ahead and gag, or add them both to your shopping list (you’re welcome). So far there’s not much of a baby bump to show off but apparently this is totally normal for a first pregnancy. I am so looking forward to talking about the news with friends and family I haven’t seen yet next week over the holiday. Any and all tips for a first time preggie girl are appreciated!

Symptoms: My first real craving, followed by my first odd food combo. Sweets sound better than they ever have in my life and I’ve pinned several fun recipes for Christmas I hope to try out. Last night it was Snowballs. A cookie wrapped around a Reese cup and rolled in powdered sugar? Sign me up! Pretty easy and super delicious. Heartburn still sucks but I don’t get it every day. And I think the nausea may actually be subsiding already since I noticed it hasn’t been as bad the past 2 days. Amen to that!

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