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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful long holiday weekend with lots of fun and relaxation. It was hot and humid around here with some evening downpours but we made the most of it. Pizza and movies, fireworks with friends, a brand new turtle tank, dinner out and some cleaning and running errands in between.

If you’re not from our area, you still might know about Riverfest, which is always the Sunday night before Labor Day. The radio station WEBN puts on a huge fireworks display complete with a waterfall off the bridge over the Ohio River. People tailgate in parking lots all day and walk down to the big wall on the Kentucky side of the river to save their spots early in the morning, well before the festivities begin. It’s rained the past few years but this year it was just hotter than hell. Luckily Kristina’s uncle has a used car lot with a view of the pyrotechnics display that we were invited down to party with her family and some friends. The side of the building had great shade so we set up shop with our chairs chatting and eating and indulging in some icy cold beverages. Don’t be jealous of our super cool light up glasses. I’m pretty sure it negatively affects your mental health to deny your inner child at times like this.

Our furbabies are no strangers to the noise of fireworks. They aren’t afraid of the big booms but we certainly wouldn’t subject them to all that commotion plus a big crowd of people they don’t know, especially on a 90 + degree day. It’s always nice to bring the dogs along places when we can but this event was definitely not suitable. Don’t worry, they spent the majority of the weekend lounging, snuggling and watching TV with spurts of Ares and O chasing each other all around the place. And the biggest animal news is that the turtles got a major upgrade to their habitat. Our new 90 gallon turtle tank and stand are the same length as our old 55 gallon fish tank but twice as wide. It still fits comfortably in the space it’s always been but it’s going to take a little bit to get used to. Now they have much more room to swim around rather than just back and forth and will be much happier in their spacious digs.

It looks like this may be our last 90 degree day for a while and I’m getting excited to see highs in the 70s later this week. That means fall is just around the corner and I can hardly wait! Are you all looking forward to open windows, pumpkin spice lattes, leggings with boots, apple pie, Oktoberfest beer and delicious fall scented candles?

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