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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lazy Days & Lattes

If you haven’t noticed, the furballs around here can be pretty lazy. Ares doesn’t like to miss out on anything and has a high energy personality, but if nothing seems exciting to him, he sleeps. I snapped photos over the weekend of the boys and girl caught in the act lounging around without a care in the world. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone who already feeds you healthy meals and some treats, makes sure you get your workout in and tells you how cute you are all the time? Apparently it’s exhausting.

You can see that Chaos absolutely adores the new dog bed while Ares prefers to steal our stuff. Piper loves couch time with Mama away from all the boys and O can often be found lying on display on one of the entertainment center shelves. They really do lead a charmed life and have no idea. But how freaking adorable are they being all lazy? Sometimes I need to see them relaxing to get myself to do the same. Sometimes a lazy day is just what the doctor ordered and there’s no one who can show me how to do that better than my furbabies.

Of course you all know pumpkin everything season has begun, even though we haven’t officially started fall. Caffeine might make other people jittery or ready to go take on the world, but a lovely latte helps me relax, especially when it’s pumpkin spice.

I make my own lattes on the weekend simply by adding almond milk to my coffee. Starbucks brought back the famous PSL weeks ago but I just couldn’t bring myself to get one when it was 90 + degrees. I heard that they upgraded the ingredients and the old favorite became better than ever but until there was a chill in the air, there was no PSL in my hand. Finally Sunday afternoon felt like the beginning of fall and since I was out at the mall, I stopped and got my very first PSL of the season. Heaven. It’s a good thing it was so amazing because my service was the opposite.

If y’all use the Starbucks app to make your purchases (so you can get rewards :)) you should make sure you are checking your balance before scanning. I happened to check mine as I was waiting in line and it was down to $6.06. I knew a grande latte was $4.22 so I could wait to reload my app later. The barista took my order and then I swiped with my app and the balance immediately went down to $1.81. If you can do that math in your head, kudos to you, but for those of you who cry at the thought of running numbers in your brain, the difference is $4.22. Trust me, I used a calculator. The correct amount had been charged so you can imagine my confusion when I was told I owed $3 and some change. What? After several minutes of the manager being incredibly rude and essentially telling me she knew nothing about the app and was waiting for me to pay, I broke out the mean voice. Guys, I am usually never a complainer at restaurants. Unless the service is unbelievably awful or my order is just flat out not even close to what I ordered, I try to be understanding and let it go. But I was not about to pay twice for something, especially to someone who was giving me a giant attitude. So , in my mean voice, I said I already paid and I wasn’t paying again. That was that. I got my drink, and the manager huffed off acting like I just stole it. The lesson to be learned here? Make sure you check your balance before you swipe. Computers can malfunction and had I not checked that I indeed had enough to pay for the drink before I swiped, I probably would have assumed I did owe money and paid it. All in the name of the PSL. 


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