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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

37 Weeks: Full Term!

37 weeks, full term baby! As of my last doctor's appointment I was 90% effaced, 2cm dilated and baby was in a 0 position aka engaged. All of that could add up to nothing really if it stalls out or it could mean baby P is going to arrive any day. My doctor and I discussed induction if I make it to 39 weeks, which would be next Thursday. Why? Well, I think it might be a good thing to share with you. Genetics gave me my dad's athletic body type and while I'm grateful for that, it means my hips aren't exactly ideal for birth. My baby has measured right on track this whole pregnancy, save for those long, long legs, but we have to keep logistics in mind. Baby P is already a healthy birth weight with great lungs and at this point just gaining weight aka fatting up. I am all for going the natural route, if it's the safest, but in my case that probably just won't be the best option by 40 weeks or more. I do absolutely realize the amazing things the female body is capable of all on its own and there are millions of stories of how small women delivered large babies naturally and without complication. I'm just not willing to take the risk of my baby getting stuck and ending up with an emergency C-section if there is a healthy way to try to prevent it. Right or wrong in the eyes of the world, it's what my doctor, my husband and I feel the most comfortable with. So, if munchkin does not make his or her arrival by next week, we will go ahead and give the kid a little push.

Symptoms: Dilation/effacement continue to progress. I've been crampy with lower back pain and feeling tons of pressure in my pelvis as the baby has dropped. Contractions have come and gone but with no consistent pattern yet. My hands and feet swell everyday, just some days more than others. It is a combination of the heat and the fact that I sit at a desk all day. I get up and walk around as much as possible but it's not always enough. My eating habits are a bit odd now. I feel like my appetite is waning though once I start eating I end up getting down much more than I thought I would. I don't mean overeating, my portions are the same, I just eat more than I think I will. I got a huge burst of energy Sunday morning and went walking, worked out and cleaned for hours. I'm anxious and excited and just praying for a safe delivery while we wait.

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