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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Stretches for Back + Hip Pain in Pregnancy

In my 2nd trimester I was hit with some pretty intense lower back and hip pain that I wasn’t expecting. I guess I thought that wouldn’t happen until later but I must have forgotten the whole every pregnancy is different rule. It was so difficult to get comfortable while lying down without strategically wrapping myself around my pregnancy pillow. I just felt so sore, like I would if I worked out all the time but never stretched afterward. So it dawned on me to try some different stretching techniques post work out. I definitely noticed a difference and have continued to do these stretches even on my off days. I know it has taken quite a while since I mentioned this but I am finally getting around to sharing the stretches I have found to be the most effective. It dawned on me out of nowhere that I needed to take some pictures for this post after a workout this week but the lighting was terrible. Okay and I didn't like how huge and awkward I looked. So these are courtesy of Google. As always, my doctor approved all of these stretches but be sure to check with yours if you’re pregnant. I do plan to continue these stretches postpartum as I think they are extremely beneficial, pregnant or not.
The Standing Hip Stretch can become a bit difficult the further along in pregnancy you are simply because your center of gravity is way off. I make sure to stand next to my bed or a table in case I wobble and need some stability. Begin standing with your feet together. Step one foot back behind you and flex up onto your toes while you bend your front leg. Push your weight into the back leg to stretch and open your hip. If you worked your arms you can do arm stretches simultaneously. I usually hold the position for about 15-20 seconds and switch sides.
The Pigeon Stretch is one I learned during my brief experience with Yoga. Get down on the floor on all fours first then push up into an inverted V with your hands and feet. Bend one leg to bring it forward underneath you toward your hand and slide your other leg back behind you. Depending on your flexibility, your back leg may be knee down or turned out to the side. Either way, you will still feel the stretch up the back of your legs and into your hips.
The Butterfly Stretch was always one of my favorites but I got away from doing it until a few months ago. Sit on the ground with your knees bent toward your chest, feet flat. Drop your legs to the ground on either side of your body and press the bottoms of your feet together. Lean forward as far as you can and bounce your legs up and down, like a butterfly flapping its wings.
I’m no fitness expert but as I roll into my last month of pregnancy and try to stay active but comfortable these stretches are my ticket.

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