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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

38 Weeks

This is most likely my very last first pregnancy post. Crazy, right? In some ways it feels like I just found out I was pregnant and in some ways it feels like that was forever ago. I was a nervous wreck last week hoping that Baby P would stay put until after Kristina's wedding on Saturday. I'm still pregnant so obviously we made it. Relief washed over me after I gave my matron of honor speech and I knew I hadn't missed a single part of her big day. And then the contractions I'd been having on and off most of the day started to feel pretty consistent. Chris and I left after the first dances and made the 45 minute drive home. We used an app to start timing the contractions and it wasn't long before we hit the magic 5-1-1. In case you're unfamiliar, this means contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute or longer for an hour or more. I called my doctor and she advised me to go to the hospital and get checked out. We were pretty surprised to learn I was no closer to having a baby than I had been at my last doctor's appointment. Since I wasn't 39 weeks, not dilated to 3 cm and my water had not broken we were sent home. It was a restless night and contractions continued through the next day. When they were coming every 2-3 minutes we went back to the hospital. Shockingly I still had not progressed upon arrival. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do since inducing me to help things along wasn't a medical necessity. We did discover a minor complication which I was told essentially means my body has to work 3x as hard to progress the labor. I'm still having contractions but I'm not in severe pain and my water has yet to break so the waiting game continues. At this point we are hoping for my water to break and get things really going or I'll have to make it until Thursday when I'll be 39 weeks and can be admitted and induced regardless. 

This is certainly not anything I ever imagined would happen or was even aware could happen. I realize there's probably no ideal labor and I am thankful that Baby P is handling all this like a champ and doing just great. I was fortunate to have a very easy pregnancy so I guess a bit of a rough labor is the trade off. We are trying to remain positive and remember that at the end of all this is the greatest prize. If you can spare any prayers for us, that would be great! 

Symptoms: The heat hasn't been my friend and I've had some pretty swollen feet. I'm getting a bit tired and frustrated from all these contractions that don't seem to really be doing anything significant. I have parts of the day where I completely lose my appetite and then times when I feel like I could eat and eat and eat and never be full. Not sure what that is all about. I've definitely been doing some final nesting but there isn't really anything left to do so I am feeling restless and anxious. 

Let's hope the next post is Baby P's birth story!

P.S. I had my dress on inside out the entire day of the wedding and no one including me realized it until after the ceremony!

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