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Monday, June 6, 2016

Nursery Sneak Peak

When Chris and I bought our house at the end of last year we knew there were some projects we wanted to do. But as we started getting into said projects, we started realizing there was actually a lot more to do than we thought. Our families have been so generous with lending their time and skills but all of a sudden we found ourselves in the final countdown to baby Pfeff's arrival and the nursery was nowhere near ready. Clearly we are already parents of the year.

It seemed like we were so ahead of the game with all things baby before the third trimester hit. The nursery was thought out and slowly coming together in theory. I kept thinking we had time and soon enough it would be ready and just waiting for a baby. But after my second shower we had a dining room filled with baby things and nowhere to put them. And so I sort of panicked, had an anxiety attack, pregnancy meltdown...whatever you want to call it. I was one left turn away from Crazy Town and probably my biggest frustration was that I couldn't stop that feeling. Honestly my heart goes out to those of you who deal with anxiety on a daily or more frequent basis. It's not something I'm used to experiencing and good God is it terrible.

So after I flipped out to my poor husband and my mom, I took some deep breaths (that shit really does work) and reclaimed a portion of what is now left of my sanity. Then I made lists, 3 actually. I get it from my dad. And with the help of our family, some iced coffee and probably the sheer grace of God, the nursery now actually looks like a nursery and I am slightly less of a whack job. Once we get a few more things in place I promise to take pictures and post sources, but for now, just a little preview.


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