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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

34 Weeks

Now that I've had both baby showers I'm tackling the list of things we still need for Baby P. The nursery is being filled and organized and pretty soon the only thing missing will be a baby. Tomorrow is my 35 week appt. and we start checking for dilation. Holy crap. There are so many emotions I don't even know where to begin. Of course I'm ecstatic that we've reached this point and are mere weeks away from meeting our baby. But at the same time I'm anxious and nervous as a first time mom having never been down this road before. It's getting hot, my belly is starting to get in the way and I'm getting frustrated so much more easily these days. Then again I already know I'm going to miss feeling Baby P's kicks and rolls and even those dang little feet in my ribs.
Most days I'm so tried on my way home from work I can't even fathom the idea of working out when I get there. But somehow once I'm greeted by my little family as I walk in the door I get the little boost of energy I need to power through. Probably my days of HIIT are limited as my belly grows and baby drops and strength training right along with it. But until we reach the point of scaling back to nightly walks through the neighborhood I'm continuing with my regular exercise videos.
I've been wearing a ton of dresses with maternity jeans and a pair of jeans shorts that magically still button (they are 1 size up from my normal) mixed in. Can I just say how awesome it is that flowy dresses are both stylish + 3rd trimester friendly?! The dress I wore to my baby shower over the weekend is not maternity and even my regular size. I also just received a tank swing dress I ordered on mega sale that is so soft and stretchy and somehow flattering pregnant or not. #winning
Symptoms: Swelling. Apparently I can wear wedges and be on my feet all day and not a swollen piggy in sight. But if I sit for too long it's game over. Trust me, I drink tons of water and have been conscious to stay away from anything with a lot of sodium. It's just that I'm forced to be in the car for sometimes more than an hour at a time and that is what does me in. I can be on my feet for the rest of the night but the swelling doesn't go down until the next morning. Wah, wah, such is 3rd trimester life.

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