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Sunday, June 19, 2016

What's in My Hospital Bag

As a first timer on the birthing scene I found myself reading many posts with similar titles to this one as my pregnancy progressed. I mean what the heck are you supposed to bring to have a baby besides your pregnant self? Apparently the list is extremely varied depending on who you ask. I officially have less than 3 weeks to go but since any time could be show time now, my bags are packed and ready. I debated doing this post because, well, do any of you really care what I'm bringing to the hospital to have my baby? But I know reading posts from other moms was incredibly helpful to me, especially now that my brain has become mostly scrambled eggs. 

I'm that person who always over packs, for EVERYTHING. And somehow I still always manage to forget something. What gives? I'm also a big fan of having my own stuff, basically bringing all the comforts of home with me if I can. So I packed probably way too much shit into a big canvas bag like this for myself and my brand new diaper bag for the babe. I would like to point out that my bag passed airport security as a carry on last year so it's not really THAT big. But I digress. Yes, I know that the hospital provides mostly everything both of us will need, but like I said, it's just my way to bring lots of my own crap. So, here's the list.


Robe - I bought this one because I didn't want to risk ruining one I already have. I'm pretty modest and you will not find me up and walking around with my booty hanging out the back of a gown. I like this one because it's light weight and soft, the perfect length and if I never wear it again, it wasn't expensive.

Slippers - Summertime in KY means you will most likely find me barefoot if I'm home. In a hospital, not so much. These are cute enough, easy to slip on, washable, and have grips on the bottom, very important if you don't want to bust your ass on those slick hospital floors.

Flip Flops - You could just bring these and skip the slippers but my plan is to wear these babies in the shower. Yes, hospitals have to be clean but I don't plan to have my feet on any part of those floors because I KNOW what has probably happened on them. Mine are old so if I feel the need to toss (or burn) them later it's no big deal.

Nursing Tanks - On several recommendations, I bought 2 of these and I have to admit, I've already been wearing them. They are so comfortable and seem awesome for a first timer like me.

Nursing Bras - I bought these to sleep in and these for during the day. Since they take up so little space in the bag I packed them all but if I'm able to get dressed at home before going to the hospital I plan to just go ahead and wear one in.

Underwear - Okay we all know how babies are supposed to come out and usually do, or the alternative that requires surgery. In either case I expect some very comfy yet probably disposable panties are going to be necessary. I bought a few different types after hearing about what is offered at the hospital because I'm just guessing I'll be glad that I did.

Clothes - I realize after giving birth you don't magically shrink back down to your pre-pregnancy size/shape.Wouldn't that be nice? I packed a pair of my favorite maternity leggings, a lose fitting t-shirt like this  and this and a zip up hoodie that is probably way too fancy for the hospital but I don't care.

 Nursing Supplies - Some ladies have their milk come in before they leave the hospital and others don't, so I threw some of these and these in just in case as well as a little jar of this. I know that the hospital provides a pump but since this is all new territory for me, I'm brining my own so they can show me how to use it!

Toiletries - I packed travel sized versions of my toothpaste, face wash, moisturizers, shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, deodorant and lip balm in one of these wet bags. I will also throw in my make-up bag if I can because I know I'll at least want some bronzer and mascara when the visitors arrive.

Postpartum Care - Since this is my first rodeo, I had to defer to seasoned moms on what I would need in this department. Hospitals provide a lot of products but like I said, I like to have my own stuff. Based on the suggestions of others, I'm bringing a few of my own pads, a box of Tuck's, a few of these ice packs, a bottle of this spray with the BLUE LID, NOT THE RED and some Colace.

This & That - I am told the hospital towels are scratchy and barley big enough to dry your hands let alone your whole body and the pillows are flat as pancakes. I'm bringing my own of each as well as my nursing pillow because I'd like help learning how to properly use it if necessary. We don't have a camera, just our iPhones so I'm bringing a charger because Lord knows we can't live without those suckers.


 Hats - Okay I have to admit I am kind of obsessed with baby hats. They are so tiny and cute I can't even handle it. I'm packing 3 because I can and because one is gender neutral and one of the other 2 will make it clear that baby Pfeff is a girl or a boy.

Mittens - I've been around enough newborns to know that they come out with talons. Word on the street is that these mittens stay on the best and keep them from scratching up their cute little faces. I packed both pairs that I had ordered.

Swaddle Blankets - I'm in love with the fun patterns and baby burritos. Of course they aren't necessary. Of course I'm bringing 3.

Sleeper/Socks - I'm too excited to wait for baby to wear his/her own clothes until we get home. I packed newborn and 0-3 months since we don't know how big/long this munchkin will be.

Let's be honest, I only packed a separate bag for the babe because I wanted to use my new diaper bag. If the first thought of the hospital staff when I waddle in with my luggage is rookie mom then so be it. I've been thought of as worse I'm sure. I think most spouses/partners have a bag as well or double up with mama but in our case this won't be necessary. No, my hubby won't be leaving us high and dry but he will be going back and forth to care for our zoo at home. So he can change/take a shower quickly before coming back if necessary. I also purposely left out snacks. All I will be permitted during labor is ice chips. Chris is welcome to chow down on whatever he pleases OUTSIDE of my hospital room. And after I give birth I seriously doubt anyone will turn me down on fetching whatever my little heart desires. I'm just guessing that won't be sliced almonds or a granola bar I have stashed in my bag.


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