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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

26 Weeks

I am so used to a flurry of activity going on in my belly now that I notice when it stops rather than when it starts. I find myself poking around like hello in there, what are you doing now? This week I experienced the first bout of hiccups. Just to be clear, I'm talking about the baby, not me. I knew that babies get hiccups in the womb from other people talking about it but I guess it just did not feel like I thought it would. Like I said, continuous movement is the norm anymore so I didn't realize this was different right away. But as the quick, repetitive sort of buzzing continued it finally caught my attention as something new. Every time I have a what was that? moment and I'm at work or alone, I turn to Google. I described the feeling in so many words and immediately the search came back with baby hiccups. Of course! It has now happened a few times since and I have to giggle because hello, baby hiccups, so cute. I did read that these tend to be more commonly felt a bit further into the 3rd trimester, especially by first time moms, but we've been a bit early on everything else so far so I'm not too surprised.
Tomorrow we go back for another check-up and will find out how many more pounds I've packed on in the last month. As of 22.5 weeks I was up about 13. I'm sure the homemade cheesecake I made for Chris's birthday won't help the cause. I am definitely taking off my shoes though. I'll take the pounds I've earned but not an ounce more!
Symptoms: Rib pain, heartburn and hiccups. I could swear my kid is swinging from my ribs like a tiny monkey, having the time of it's life in there. It's always on my right side and it HURTS. But at the same time I kind of love it. So weird. Heartburn is back full strength but it's during the day rather than at night. I'm not sure if sleeping with my ever so faithful Dottie Cane (pregnancy pillow) has been keeping it at bay or if it really is just happening during the day, but it's not the most fun. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat, it just happens. I'm counting on this baby coming out with a sweet hairdo. Baby hiccups are hilarious. Oh, and the blueberry saga CONTINUES....


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