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Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday I'm in Love

You know when you have one of those days when it's just one thing after another going wrong or just annoying the crap out of you? Yesterday was one of those days. And of course I was being all 2nd trimester melodramatic about it. See, usually Thursday is a good day for 3 reasons.
1. I'm another week pregnant
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. It's Friday Eve
But yesterday was not good. Yesterday was stupid. That quickly became my word of the day. By the time I got home from work I was a total hot mess. Let's just say I had avocado in my hair, a bursting bladder and sweat beads rolling down my neck not to mention a brain so fried so I tried to use my phone to open our garage door. So natrually I went online and bought shoes. Sometimes retail therapy IS the answer. But today is a new day AND it's Friday! Since it's so far a million times better than Thursday, let's kick off the weekend with some favorites.
Espadrilles are apparently all the rage this spring and I'm hopping right on the wagon. I happily used a 20% code I had last night to stop me from having a complete meltdown to order these beauties. I'm a sucker for stripes and I think it's fun that they can be both a neutral or a statement piece for probably a gazillion outfits.
If you've been following along here or on Instagram @hkpfeff523 you've seen my weekly pregnancy updates, aka bumpdates, or so I'm told. I've yet to really use any props because honestly, trying to get a good picture each week is hard enough. But I found these adorable wooden blocks that I just could not pass up. I can use them to count down the rest of my pregnancy and/or use them for cute pictures when baby P is born plus they can later be used as toys or room décor.
Clearly I'm a huge fan of Essie nail polish. It seems like I'm almost always posting about a new color I've tried or an old favorite. If you're looking for the perfect neutral I've got you covered. Not only is this color really light but opaque, great for done up nails that won't compete with a bright outfit, it has a fun name. Yes, I'm one of those people that bet on horses based solely on the name and ignore all the important factors. I won a good chunk of change once on Popsicle Toes so don't knock my strategy.
I have an army green military style jacket that I can confidently say is the most worn clothing item in my entire closet. And that's saying a lot because I kind of have a robust wardrobe. #confessionsofashopaholic. I've yet to pull the trigger on a vest version for the warmer seasons but I have my eye on this one. Maybe when it inevitably goes on sale for 40% off I will snag it.
Decorating our new living room is still an ongoing project but so far I'm loving the neutral color palette. This will make it so easy to swap out accent pieces and add color when I need a change or want to compliment the season (which I ALWAYS do). Our sectional couch just screams for throw pillows, even though Chris likes to repeatedly ask what the purpose of having so many is. Because they're pretty. Duh. These are a great price and look springy but not like something you'd find on Grandma's decades old couch. Right?
Dress season is upon us and I'm especially into them this year since they make covering my growing belly much less of a challenge. I saw this pretty maxi on a fashion blogger and had to check it out for myself immediately. I really love the simple, flowy style and variety of beautiful colors it comes in. I haven't ordered it simply because of the price point. But I'm thinking it may be justified since it's a pretty classic look that I could fit the bump under and of course wear after munchkin's arrival since it's not maternity.

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