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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Furbaby Mama

When you find yourself in the company of people with kids but haven't had any yourself yet you will most likely hear a lot of sentences that begin with, "just wait...". Of course they are all talking about what you have to look forward to, or fear, when the day comes that you have human children. It suggests that you will enter into completely uncharted territory and nothing will prepare you. This is undoubtedly true in many respects, but not across the board if you already have furbabies. I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand more times I'm sure, having this baby I'm still cookin' won't make Chris and I parents. We already are. Now I'm also under no delusions that our dogs and cats are little kids stuffed inside furry 4 legged bodies. Humans and pets are different species and come with their own unique set of needs and wants. I get it. Having 4 dogs and 2 cats certainly is not a direct comparison to having a baby. But, while I totally understand parenting a little being of our same species is going to rock our world, parenthood isn't a totally new adventure for us. There's a few reasons I already know a little something about being a mom.
1. I worry - My goodness do I worry. I worry about their health, their well-being, their happiness. Am I giving them enough attention, enough love, enough freedom, enough structure? Are they eating the best diet, are they getting enough exercise, are they comfortable in their environment? I worry that I'm doing it all wrong or while I'm doing it right for one I'm not doing enough for another. And OMG what is that spot on someone's belly? Skin tag, cancer, some type of flesh eating bacteria that no one has ever heard of?! Oh wait, it's just a leaf.
2. I'm protective - I am mama bear, hear me roar. Most people think I'm a nice girl, but do not cross me when it comes to my kiddos. If you're slamming Pit Bulls I'm going to tell you what's up. If you ask me if I'll get rid of any of them when the baby comes, I'll probably ask you if you'll get rid of your first born when you have another. If you even dare try to hurt any of them I will come at you like a bull charging red. Don't let the fact that I'm little fool you, I'm scrappy and relentless and no one brings harm to my babies.

3. I schedule - We are very conscious of the fact that dogs and cats thrive on some type of daily routine. The goal is to keep it consistent without being too rigid so that if it has to change a bit here and there, shit isn't going to hit the fan. So yes, we get up early on weekends to keep up with this and we often schedule around events and activities. There's no need for alarms really because crying outside the door and orange paws underneath it will alert us if we've delayed waking up for too long. And of course there's keeping track of who needs to go to the vet and when, medications and Revolution applications.
4. I know - I have 4 dogs and 2 cats and I probably have a 99% accuracy rate on who is "talking" when I can't see them. I know their voices and I also usually know what they want/need by the particular sound they are making. Hungry cries, I gotta go potty chirps, give me attention wails and alert barks (which scare the crap out of me) are all distinct and unique to each kid. Of course it took me a bit to learn, but has been something that has come more easily with each addition to the family.
5. I hurt - Their pain is my pain. If somebody doesn't feel good I want to take it on myself so they don't have to. I never want them to be scared or lonely or sad and would rather it be me than them any day of the week. I hate that I often have to make them do things they don't want to do because I know it's for their own good. It's always worse for me than it is for them but when it's for the best, that's just the way it has to be.
I am still on the "just wait.." side of things for many aspects of parenting a human baby. But as a mother already, I think my experiences have taught me a thing or two in preparation. I may not be truly ready for the shit show coming this summer, but I'm as ready as I'll ever be.


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