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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

28 Weeks

There's debate over which week marks the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy but no matter what you read or who you talk to, 28 weeks is the cut off. Officially no one can argue with me about being in the last leg of this journey. Don't get me wrong, I have surprised myself by rather enjoying pregnancy so far. But when I think about how fast my due date is approaching it gets harder to wait to meet this little munchkin I've been growing. I still have moments when I feel the baby move that have me all OMG I'M HAVING A BABY. Get with the program already girlfriend, you've been pregnant for 7 months. I continue to have my mind blown.
I've grown into the few maternity pieces of clothing I have now but can still make a lot of my regular clothes work. My belly button is looking weirder by the day but the bottom part is still in. I'm not sure if moodiness is creeping back in for this last trimester or what but several comments regarding my changing body recently have made me want to run my head through a wall. Y'all, no woman ever wants you to point out that something on her body is bigger, pregnant or not. Yes, I realize my belly is SUPPOSED to grow. That's par for the course. But I really, really, really could go at least a day where someone didn't mention it. And that's why the older woman who approached me at the post office yesterday just brightened my whole week. I was wearing a dress and trying out a new foam sunless tanner. She walked up to me and said, "Honey, I am not a gay person but you have the most beautiful legs". I'm almost sure rainbows shot out of my cheeks I was beaming so hard as I smiled and thanked her.
Symptoms: Lower back pain is making it difficult to stay comfortable but I'm still sleeping well, just getting up once a night to pee. Rib pain hasn't been so bad and I'm sure the kicks to my side instead of higher up have something to do with that. The biggest thing I've noticed is that it is difficult to eat a normal sized meal all at once anymore. I get full much faster and have to space out my food throughout the day so that I'm eating less at once but more frequently. It's just more of an annoyance than anything because my brain is saying hey lady, I'm still hungry but my stomach is saying sorry we're at capacity down here. On the positive side, if I'm eating something I shouldn't I can't eat nearly as much of it and have time to reconsider my choices before eating more. I still ate 2 donuts on Monday. It was a MONDAY.


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