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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

30 Weeks

Well I've started to feel pretty darn pregnant now that we've reached 30 weeks. My belly is getting in the way, my kid is crowding my lungs and I'm forgetting things like I never have before. I called Chris yesterday and while it was ringing I forgot why I called. Finally I remembered about 8 hours later while I was folding laundry. Pregnancy Brain is totally real. But, because I personally know women who waited and waited and waited or are still waiting to feel like this, I want to say that I 100% appreciate my body and my baby, even when I'm complaining. Sometimes the kicks hurt, sometimes I feel breathless sitting down and sometimes I want to actually tear my ribcage right out of my body to stop the pain as it presses into my ever expanding uterus. But I am certain that none of this will matter in less than 10 weeks. I am so, so excited thinking about holding this baby in my arms and getting to know him or her on the outside. Pregnancy can be awesome or awful or both at the same time but there isn't a moment that I take it for granted.
Symptoms: Heartburn isn't constant but when it comes, it comes full force. I still haven't tried the baking soda in water remedy because it keeps happening when I'm not at home! My belly button is still pokey at the top and in but looking flatter at the bottom. Cute, I know. Rib pain has been pretty bad and I've found myself doing a lot of fidgeting and squirming around trying to alleviate it when I'm sitting down. I've been given some recommendations so I'll be including what works in an upcoming post. I had double blueberry pancakes at IHOP on Saturday. What does that tell you? Really I could eat fruit in general all day long. It pretty much all sounds good all the time. And peanut butter. PB and I go way back but recently I find myself with spoon in jar a lot more often. Hey, at least it's not ice cream.

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