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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

23 Weeks

Sometimes it’s still a difficult concept to grasp that there’s actually a tiny human growing inside me. I figured by 23 weeks the reality that a real live baby will be in my arms in mere months would have hit me but there’s still a bit of suspended disbelief. The test (all the tests) was positive, the blood work confirmed the tests, the ultrasounds have shown pictures of this baby and I’ve been feeling movement for over 2 months. But it’s still a bit surreal. Is that weird? I’m excited as hell but I still sometimes find myself thinking how strange it is that I’m just walking around with a baby inside me. Well cue the next “okay this is real” moment because it happened this week. Or at least I noticed it for the first time this week. Visible baby kicks. Chris and our friends and family have been able to feel movement from the outside for a while now but as I was laying on the couch the other night feeling the karate kid at work, it happened. I was wearing a fitted tank top and noticed that I could actually see the kicks as they happened. It’s just little lumps at this point but I’ve been told as baby P gets bigger we will be probably be able to see exactly which body parts are doing the damage. So crazy is this whole pregnancy thing. And so much fun.
I’m STILL in limbo land where I don’t quite fit into maternity yet. I have been wearing my jeans but I spend an annoying amount of time tugging them up and smoothing out the band over my belly. I’m pretty excited to wear springy dresses and maxi skirts. No waistbands to worry about! I’m also still getting a lot of unwanted attention and comments about my belly (and sometimes other body parts) and struggling with it. I wear something fitted over the bump and people want to stare at it, point at it, talk about the way it looks. I wear something loose that hides it and they make a show of looking for it and then asking where’s that bump? or saying show me the bump. Ugh. I actually really do enjoy being pregnant but I’d enjoy it a lot more if everyone would just tell me how awesome my hair is looking (thank you hormones!) discuss the weather or ask about my furballs. Such is life. Get over it, right?
Symptoms: My lower back and hip pain have substantially subsided for now. I don’t know if I can attribute it to all the extra stretching I’ve been doing or not but I’m certainly going to continue. I did have one wake me up case of heartburn over the weekend but have felt great other than that. The blueberry train is still full steam ahead but of course I managed to find one of the least healthy options I could last Friday: a Dunkin’ Donuts blueberry cake donut. I was beyond excited to find a few Green Mountain Wild Mountain Blueberry k-cups from last year and that coffee totally hit the spot. I’ll have to take a break and go for something green for St. Patty’s this week. Overall, feeling pretty awesome and excited for Spring!

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