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Monday, March 14, 2016

Meet Trinity

I’m sure you puppy lovers have been waiting for me to finally introduce the 4th member of our dog pack so I apologize it’s taken this long. Trinity is our 6(ish) year old American Bulldog with one of the wildest happy tails I’ve ever seen. Every single time I go upstairs while she’s crated I instantly hear the thump, thump, thump of it hitting the hard plastic. When she’s laying on her nylon bed it’s a swish, swish, swish and when she’s standing you can hear the faint woosh, woosh, woosh as it cuts through the air. She has tons of energy and is always ready to play but is quite the submissive girl. Her hair stands up and she gets pretty spooked if the dogs next door come out barking at her through the fence. And the teensiest training correction or raise of your voice will have her ducking and crouching like she’s bracing for impact. I can assure you she’s never had a hand laid on her in that way but she’s a pretty convincing actress.

Trinity gets along with all the other animals in the house but she’s always the first one to be distracted by the kitties when she’s supposed to be laying in her place. Seeing O especially weaving around all the dog beds gets her so excited to play she often finds herself in trouble when she forgets to stay put. She’s making great strides with training though and always quick to recover from a slip up. Trinity and Tigger were together just the 2 of them for so long that Trinity has some separation anxiety when she’s not with her BFF. Girlfriend likes her food but gets distracted and doesn’t always finish her meal if Tigger is not in the room with her. The poor thing cried a lot when Tigger had to leave for her surgery. But the good thing about living with a dog trainer is that steps have already been taken to ween the dependency. And thankfully it wasn’t too bad to begin with, she just needs a little more time to adjust.

Don't mind all the ugly dead grass from where the dogs pee and kill it #doglife
I wore a black and white outfit last weekend and thought it would be cute to snap a few pictures of us girls matching, but I ended up hating the way I looked in them. Girl problems. Saturday evening playtime allowed me to get some really cute shots of our smiley girl so I was happy to finally have them to go with her much overdue introduction. But looking at my camera reel yesterday I was swayed to go ahead and toss in one of the photos I didn’t like as well. It’s not Trinity’s fault I’m being all vain and dramatic when she looks pretty as can be. So, now you’re all acquainted with our 4 dog household. Sure, 4 dogs is a huge responsibility, brings a higher financial requirement and takes more time and effort on a daily basis. But Chris and I are pet people. Our animals are our family and the love and companionship they bring far outweighs everything else.


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