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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

24 Weeks

6 months, whoa baby! Chris and I have chosen not to have most of the optional prenatal testing done so far but one thing we did decide to go ahead with is the Cystic Fibrosis carrier screening. In case you aren't aware, both parents have to carry the gene for the baby to even have a chance of getting it. The test is a simple blood draw where mom is tested first and if it comes back positive, then dad gets tested. If mom's sample is negative then dad doesn't have to be tested since both parents need to be carriers for the chance of CF to be possible. Something else you may or may not know is that I'm the worst patient for a blood draw. It's kind of odd because blood by itself and needles don't especially freak me out. I mean I don't take any joy from being pricked and certainly am not fascinated with blood, but I'm not the type to go green around the gills about them either. Unless of course you put them together and apply the combo to me. That is to say, if blood is being taken from me, I tend to get woozy and fast. I always warn whoever is taking my blood but usually they don't take me seriously until I'm pale faced or flopping over. So I was especially proud of myself for barely feeling some passing nausea when I had the draw for the CF screening. I was told the lab would call with the results within a week so the following week when it came in, I was relieved to know the result. Except the call wasn't about the result, it was to inform me that THEY LOST MY BLOOD. Yes, my sample apparently was sent to the wrong testing facility. So, I had to go back for another draw and am currently awaiting the results.

Amidst the blood drama, there is a positive this week. I can actually feel baby P from the outside even when he/she isn't moving. Hard lumps are now ever present when I press on my belly. I'm learning to distinguish little feet from the booty and it's pretty awesome! There is definitely an emerging pattern in which baby P curls up, butt sticking out, on my left side following karate practice right after I eat. I wonder if he/she will sleep that way on the outside. It's pretty funny because if I lay down my belly looks lopsided and basically deformed. Which brings me to my next point, my belly button. I've had a super innie my whole life and a belly ring since I was 16. I finally took the ring out last week when the skin around it started to itch something fierce. Not only does it look odd to me with its missing jewelry but the top part is sort of popped out where the piercing was while the rest is still in, but looking flatter.

Symptoms: The lower back pain comes and goes but stretching definitely helps as well as massages from the hubs! Pins & needles in my hands and feet as well as heartburn continue to be on and off but I'm pretty much sleeping well still. The blueberry cravings are still hanging around so I'm on the hunt for a recipe that includes them to make for Easter brunch. There is yet to be any signs of the linea nigra on my belly or stretch marks but my veins are looking kind of funny on my chest and sides. Let's just say I'm glad to leave the bikinis to the rest of the female population for now. Ah, pregnancy.

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